Xiao Liu the 'Monk'

"Why are you late?" A furious judge walked up towards Hannah who was presently 15 minutes late for the tournament.

If she didn't hold the record for being the first to break through into level 5 and caused a worldwide sensation when she discovered the extraordinary fact that Healers could become tanks and team supporters after reaching level 5.

"Sorry, I was helping an old grandma cross the street," Hannah said insincerely,

'God, please put more effort into bullshitting, cars are a rarity now and so were the elderly who've mostly been abandoned or eaten by zombies already' Everyone else.

The judge was so angry that it looked as if he would break his teeth from clenching them so hard

He wasn't planning on making things difficult for her but now she was making his old backache!

"You ..YOU! Better watch your back!"

"Alright, Becky! " Hannah responded back which made everyone stumped

'Who the h#ll was Becky?'

'Why Becky?'

The poor middle-aged judge was so angry that if looks could kill, then Hannah would of died 1000 times already.


"Hey, guys!" Hannah cheerfully waved at her friends upfront.

The main supervisor of the event was, get this also named Uncle Larry by most of the folks in the City.

Uncle Larry shot a faint glance with slight disapproval to the late little girl and carried on with his duties "Alright, everyone draws lots, there are 4 zones A, B, C, D, draw the lots to see which zone you'll be heading to. Last 2 standing will get to move on to the semifinals."

Though there will be only 8 slots available, in truth there was actually 10 slots available. The last two slots were for the judges to pick out of the many losers on who had the best potential. The system was also made just in case there were maniacs that were too powerful and gave everyone else 0 chance to win a spot.

Hannah was ranked in number 19 while Matthew and Jeremy were ranked 18 and 20 respectively.

Hannah 'It's gonna be so fun if I get to battle either of them first.'

Emma was also participating and was ranked number 21. Eleo wasn't allowed to participated since he could only control zombies which were virtually useless in this zombie free city and was thus made to sit on the sideline.

Hannah "Hey guys, wouldn't it be fun if we all got into the same group coincidentally? ;D"



"Say it again!"

"No, it's just a what if-"


"What did you say?!"


"Glad you've learned your lesson."

Clutching the two nice Baos(lumps) on her head with a drop of tear in both her eyes, Hannah made quite the pitiful sight of being abused by Emma.

"Damn it! I feel like I'm in the 'Abused friends Club'" She murmured quietly

"Want to make it a premium membership?"Emma said as she flexed to show her well-grown muscles out to Hannah.

"No thanks mu-------my best friend in the world" as she choked out her words.If you can't beat them, join them. Hannah began sucking up already after a single defeat.

"NEXT" A loud voice rang in the waiting room as Matthew awkwardly left to draw his slot.

Everyone went accordingly to draw their lots and they got into their own respective zones.

Hannah-A zone, Emma-B zone,Jeremy-C zone, Matthew-D zone.

"DAMN IT!"She really wanted to fight Jeremy or Matthew earlier on, now she has to wait longer.

Emma who was in deep relief for not meeting into any of her monstrous friends in the first round heard Hannah's disappointment.

Sometimes, she really feels like killing this assh#le who didn't know how to appreciate good luck.

If Hannah were to hear her thought's she'd be swearing all the way to the heavens about 'Good luck' She's had enough of this superstition from the first world already thank you very much.


"Master we've gotten your placement"Up on the second level, a white figure was lazily scrolling through the placement result and stopped when he saw the name 'Hannah'.

He lazily looked towards Xiao Qi, the side view of his master was almost enough to blow him away.

The laziness in his eyes merely amplified his sexiness and made even Xiao Qi feel a wave of heat in his nose.

He quickly passed the sheet of paper in his hands to the statue next to him without even looking at what it was and left.

"..." Was he supposed to walk all the way there to get the papers? The statue was.... so far away...

Finally, the paper was blown by the wind towards him as though even the gods were listening to his every little whim.

Upon seeing his placement, a trace of disappointment could be seen in his eyes before he crumbled the piece of paper.

"Seems like we'll have to wait a little longer to play kitty"


Xiao Liu 'Should I call a psychiatrist to help master with his imaginary 'kitty' where's the cat? There weren't any 'kittens' nearby the vicinity in a 1km radius, Xiao Si has already checked.

Xiao Liu the single dog who has never even gotten near to tasting tofu merely received a facepalm by Xiao Si when he explained everything about the 'Kitten' and what brought forth it's continuous mention.

Xiao Qi who came back from the toilet heard their conversation and laughed at Xiao Liu at his slightly confused face which was very rare since he had the same face everyday and kept calling him a 'Monk' for the rest of the day as he was chased to death by Xiao Liu for the following days.


Hua yinyue to her daughter "You remind me of me"

3 year old daughter "That's just mean!"