Whose the winner?

Jeremy was the first to snap back to reality quickly got inbetween Hal and Hannah who was covering her nose.

He turned his face to Hal who merely smiled back at him, though the smile didn't reach his eyes at all.

Hannah who didn't want to see his face anymore and hid behind Jeremy. Taking a chance to peek out and showing her tongue at Hal before hiding back immediately.

Hal was slightly perturbed by the cute actions of Hannah but stopped immediately upon sensing killing intent.

He then looked towards Jeremy who was leaking the killing intent and moved his luscious lips slowly to give him a hidden message.

Everyone could easily decipher his message except Hannah who was still hiding behind Jeremy

Hal had said "F##* you, and f#%#ing you.... F##$ you".

He took another quick glance at Hannah before leaving with three other contestants following his steps.

Emma "Is he your boyfriend? What did I say about kissing stangers?"

Hannah 'Thank you Emma, you made things so much easier to explain now' as she shook her head with fake tears dripping down her face internally.

Hannah soon replied as she walked towards the drinks section "No, that's just a traditional way of greeting, he's just an old friend"

Matthew "Well, close friend or not, you shouldn't come into contact with him again, he's dangerous...too dangerous" That man, just his presense alone was enough to instill death into people.Such people are too dangerous for innocent people like Hannah.

If only Hannah could hear people's thoughts, she'd be screaming "wtf! If I'm innocent then everyone's a saint"But thankfully she couldn't.

Hannah could only helplessly smile at her overly concerned friends as she said "Alright...alright" as she placed up her hands up in the air to signal her litle submission.

But inside she was smiling cheekily 'He's finally got what deserves' as she grabbed a glass of cold water for her parched throat.

Hannah had actually stained her lips with aphrodisiac and eaten the cure for it beforehand, and so when her lips came into contact with Hal's she'd actually rubbed off most of the aphrodisiac onto his lips.

But her smile soon stopped, sh#t he....he....

"Ding, warning, strong aphrodisiac is in host's system"

'How much is the cure?'

"Ding,50 points"

'Where is your conscience? Hitting me when I'm down'

"Ding,it's called being a smart buisnessman"

'Do you want me to report you for scamming your host?'

"Ding, it costs 5 points"

'That's more like it, now that I'm thinking about it, I forgot about a little something' as her eyes leaked a faint trace of killing intent.


Back in his 5 star suite.

Hal smiled as he looked towards the sky from the balcony as he muttered "Who do you think has the more potent?"

Xiao Qi "I'm sorry, master what were you saying?" Crap, I was too distracted with what was happening previously, master's gonna kill me O_O.

Hal "Get me a bathtub filled with ice" Knowing that girl, that aphrodisiac probably has no cure or has one that is incredibly hard to get.


Back in a dark alley

"Stupid peasant! Where's the protection fee? You owe us 100g of rice!" a little girl said as her face turned into a malicious twist.

"Please, we just need one more week, just one more!"a little girl with ruffled black hair soon begged.

"Heh, then just take this as payment for one week delay I'm giving you" as she grabbed her by the hair and brought her closer as her churning flames soon appeared in her other hand.

"No, please, don't!" The little girl began feeling panicked as she tried to squirm away.But sadly, ability users were always stronger than non users.

'Cheh! This is what you get for having a prettier face!I'm of a superior race, so how can you, a stupid peasant have a nicer face than me?' as her face soon showed a wider grin at the thought of destroying that beautiful face.

But,her hands soon stopped as her view became lower and everything seemed to have spin' Eh, why's my body there while I'm here?

"AHHH!!! the black haired girl soon screamed, not at the decapitated girl who'd just tried to disfigure her but at the grim reaper behind her with deadly eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness.

She soon scrambled away like her life depended on it while sceaming away.

The girl which Hannah had just killed was also the last of the group of 'thugs' terrorizing everyone in the district. She was also the girl who Hannah had slapped before entering the tournament's doors for the first time.

Xiao Bai 'You don't have to scare her like that' as he watched Hannah leap up towards the rooftop.

'But's it's fun ;-; ' Why must you always ruin all the fun things in life?

Xiao Bai 'You don't have to act, I'm your spirit beast, tell me the truth'

Hannah shrugged her shoulders helplessly as her eyes dulled and her aura changed drastically from a happy little girl as she replied 'Well, I don't want to get emotionally attached'

Xiao Bai 'Why's that so?'

She looked up to the stars as she calmy replied 'That would be fine but...it's annoying to give people from every world I visit my heart & soul in them, only to lose them in the end and get regret and despair in exchange when I leave for another.

Same goes for all of my 'friends', everything's fun and all but when I leave this world they'd be nothing more than a faint piece of memory, only to be forgotten through the passage of time, nothing lasts forever...'

Xiao Bai 'But..'

Hannah gave small sigh as she looked up 'I know, it sucks, to loose things, but it doesn't mean I'll give up on my emotions entirely, though it hurts to lose things you love, the memories we've gained are priceless,even though I might forget them eventually as I travel to maybe a 100 worlds and mark them into a group labeled 'Friends from other worlds', but until then, I'll cherish every bit of it' as she reached out to grab the stars.

'Though I sometimes wonder, is being a transmigrater the blessing of a lifetime, or a curse... far worse than that...'

'I guess with all that side,my only regret would probably be my failure to watch them start up their own families'

System 'What do you mean?'

Hannah got up from the rooftop with a mysterious smile on her face "Nothing, just take it as a little joke" as she chuckled a little bit before jumping off the rooftop.

Xiao Bai 'Just which one's the real her?'

Xiao Bai had many thoughts running through his head as Hannah smiled at his little antics

'Silly boy, all of them are me'


Hannah 'Sometimes, people are easy to read, because they let you read their lies' quote.


3 year old daughter " Night Night" * shoves pillow over Hua yinyue's face*

Xiao bai " There's nothing cuter than attempted murder"