Dust settling

The dust soon settled as a tall figure could be soon seen by the crowd as they cheered off loudly.

Seeing that figure Hannah couldn't help but shakle her head as she walked back towards the lounge in preparation fro the final battle.

She'd been practicing with her main weapon for the world.After this battle, it seems like she would have to meet the female lead soon...

'What should I do indeed'.

Hal looked towards the disappearing figure as he left a small smile as he looked towards the slightly wounded Jeremy he tossed outside the arena.

The greatest wound he'd obtained was a deep cut in his right arm from that final rush, Jeremy seemed to have loosened for a moment, giving Hal all that he needed to end the battle.


----In a hotel---

He was wondering why Hannah'd suddenly sent a letter to meet him in starlight hotel at 9pm...

He really hoped that it would be what he was thinking about, the nice and steamy night.

But surprisingly, just as he was walking to room 908, he saw a familiar little girl.. wasn't that Emma? Hannah's little friend?

But just as he was about to see the figure standing next to her, he was yanked by the collar by a certain rough girl and thrown on the bed.

Seeing her flustered form in her pajamas with a little pink bunny in the middle he couldn't help but chuckle.

'Damn it why is Emma here too? I can't let her see me with Hal now..'

She just wanted to chat about him about a little 'business' that he was currently doing.She finally found out who the second party who was also hunting the female lead was too...

She cramped her little ear to the door to hear Emma's movements so that she could have a nice talk elsewhere since this place was a little dangerous now.

But her movements stopped when she heard a faint chuckle before that familiar seductive voice ringing next to her ear " Well? Why aren't you raping me yet?"

She blushed faintly to turn around to face the white bast$rd "What do you mean?" Why am I raping you? What now?

He stared at her in confusion as he muttered: "Why else would you kidnap me?"

You could easily see veins popping out of her forehead when his final words dropped as she chanted in her head a million times 'Don't strangle him, Don't strangle him'

What the hell? This wasn't kidnapping, just a rough 'invitation' into her room without his consent.

Besides if anyone's got to worry about rape it'd be her ok?

"I'm here to talk about Tiffany"

His eyes sparkled a little before teasing " Is this your secret lover?" before a pillow was flung onto his face as he chuckled.

The little kitty's really cute with her little antics whenever she got mad.

"Well then I'm leaving "It seems like she really doesn't want to let whatever it was to see him leaving or stay near her.

"NOO STOP!" as she frantically used her body to block off the exit.

"Then where can I go?"

This stupid bast$rd taking advantage of her and acting clueless when he knows what's going on.

She bit her lips as she murmured "Stay here!"

Hearing the pleasant voice saying exactly what he wanted he quickly replied with a satisfied smile "But I don't have anything to wear" As he started stripping.


"Ding, ok! 2 points deducted!"

"WAIT!" as she scrambled to the closet to pull out a blue outfit which coincidentally matched Hal's sight.

"Little girl, why do you have this lying around? Could it be my rape has already be planned by you?"

"Tch! As if! This came with my clothes as a matching pair, I was planning to give it to the dustbin, not like it's any different now"

But her words soon drained out as she held her mouth "PFFT!"

Imagine a manly and seductive man wearing a wholly blue outfit with a little blue bunny in the middle.

Veins while buldging from his forehead as he asked " Are you willing to talk now?

"Let's wait for them to leave first before we talk about this elsewhere"

But she was soon tossed onto bed as he spoke "I'll help you keep watch" just as she was about to throw a knife at him.


------9.30 pm-----

Hannah who was standing next to him whined "Is she gone?'

Hal who had his ears against the door replied in a serious tone "Nope"

------11 pm-------

Hannah sat down on the bed gracefully and asked softly as she yawned "Is she gone yet?

Hal who was still standing next to the door with his eyes half closed promptly replied "No"

-------2 am--------

Hannah laid down on the bed with her little pink bunny shirt as she murmured to Hal "Is she.... *yawn* gone yet?

Hal who laid on her stomach with his blue bunny "I don't think so....."

------4 am--------

2 dead bunnies were laying on the bed.


When Hannah woke up at 8am in the morning she felt something to her right moving as she woke up and rubbed her eyes 'What's wrong with me? Normally I'd wake up with the faintest nudge'how could I sleep so soundly last night?

She turned to her right to see a fully awake and energized Hal looking at her.

'This is a nightmare right?'


To teach Her kids about democracy, Hua yinyue decided to let them vote on dinner

They picked pizza

Then Hua yinyue made tacos because they don't live in a swing state