Getting infected

Hannah looked observed the room carefully and increased her vigilance further as she muttered "Continue" in an agitated tone.

"HAHAHAHAHA!Poor little Hannah, trusting the wrong person and getting her ass handed to her! Just you wait! This isn't the end!" Tiffany sneered as she contiued with a smug smile and as trailed off and continued "I'll have you know that the person who betrayed who was-AHHHH!"

One of the zombie heads of the 5th mutated zombie bit her neck before being crushed completely by Hannah as she curiously sized up her corpse,but just as she got closer, she excited thought in her head'got him'

Just as she got near Tiffany's corpse it exploded with great force as Hannah quickly backtracked out of the room as a strong blast soon followed.

'Crap!' as she was blown by the impact of the bomb and landed face down towards the floor to minimize damage.

It seems like that person was really malicious, sheesh, wiping all the evidence without a trace.Bummer much. But that reckless movement already helped Hannah comfirm a couple of points.

"What a waste of time" as she wiped off the dust off her body and started to heal her wounds up.It was unknown why she said what she had said but she soon walked off before the system could ask.

'It seems like someone's been secretly trying to get rid of all of this evidence, for them to only do it now means that Tiffany's death was a last resort, or getting rid of her itself came at a great price... But this is weird, there shouldn't be anyone stronger than me or Hal right now... It seems like whatever I'm dealing with isn't normal. But if that's soo then Hal's in danger! it's hiding from me but it's not hiding from him!'

"If I'm not wrong then, Hal needs me!" was her last thought before she urgently sprinted all the way towards Hal's location.

"Ding, warning! Unknown substance has entered host through breathing!"

"Ding, warning! Host is being corrupted at a rate of 10% per minute! When host reaches 30% breakdown death is imminent!"

'Thanks system for the early warning... system show me a full scan of the virus.'

A interface displaying a partially corrupted data of the newly created virus popped up infront of Hannah.

' Name : #CORRUPTED Creator : Tiffany ven swell (head of the #CORRUPTED virus research and mutation centre.), Grace chi (Co-executive head of the #CORRUPTED virus research and mutation) Jake.P. covey.....

Place of origin : Lab 6-04 at time CORRUPTED

Overview L : CORRUPTED virus was created at lab 6-04 by the head of the virus research and mutation centre at time CORRUPTED to create a virus so powerful that it can actually combat the cells in ability users and infect them regardless of the level, research on ability users have shown that their cells contain a chemical called gloxyhaemotite B mineral in their cells caused from miniscular exposer to CORRUPTED. The virus is shown to be able to break down the gloyxhaemotite into CORRUPTED which helps to further strengthen the virus. The virus is also shown to be able to adapt and survive after being placed in a freezer for 1 day and can be seen to be resistant to the cold after daily exposure. Because of its properties the virus infiltrates and infects ability users at a far greater speed than in non ability users. The virus infects the nervous system and heads to the spinal cord before heading upwards to the cerebral cords and begins it's infection, symptoms such as seizures nausea and a visible increase in hunger and bloodthirst can be seen at the virus attacks the cerebral cords killing off all brain tissues and replacing it with newly infected tissues which behind infecting surrounding cells. By this time the infected loses all it's consciousness and body functions and can be seen to regurgitate healthy cells as new greyish and greenish skin and organs replace them at a great speed. This entire process varies from the size of the wound form 10seconds to the longest recorded by a non ability user :5 days. All subject infected should be eliminated by class 5 guards before they can grow further in infect other non-subjects and a containment breach occurs. This is a class 9 virus and should be treated with utmost severity should it ever be leaked into the world before a vaccine can be created.'

'What's with all the corrupted files?'

System 'When you entered this world, you alternatively altered the path of many which has caused the purpose and main target of the virus to be changed, the system with it's current level has no acess to the updated information and can only filter out the changed information'

'So his entire place is infected with a new virus Tiffany created!' was the first thought that came into Hannah's mind as a stinging pain could soon be felt in her at her spinal cord.

'Looks like even with my healing abilities, I can still barely hold off the virus for another 30 minutes' as she could feel aching pain all over her organs and especially her head as it's cells were being attacked and killed before being rehealed by her own abilities.

But in face with Hal's safety, all the pain seemed to be ineffective as Hannah further boosted her speed!

Finally, she reached the corridor just in time to see Hal and John who was at his last breath, but she narrowed her eyes soon after and shouted "HAL! WATCH OUT!"

Hal responded almost instantaneously as an invisible force came crashing down towards him. Hannah could also feel the presence of someone watching them ever since she'd met up with Hal. Only that presense had never leaked any hostility... she assumed that it was someone guarding Hal with his status and everything... but it seems like there's more than meets the eye in this world...

She only hoped that her presumption was wrong...

But while everyone was focusing on the attack that came out of nowhere, John soon dug a switch from his pocket, but just as he was about to push the shiny red button, he felt a strong force at his chest as he spurted out blood.

"You will suffer retribution from this! The government are nothing more than a pack of cunning old foxes that know how to run with their tail between their legs! Just you watch! Even if we're not here the government will soon be the death of our world!"John frantically muttered under his dying breath as he spat his final spit onto the floor arrogantly before his breathing soon faded away.

It was by then that the person following Hannah and Hal had disappeared.

"warning! Self-destruction protocol 001-1 is initiating, the lab will self destruct in T minus five minutes.

"Someone's really out to get us huh?" Hannah asked in a casual manner.

Hal shrugged at that statement as he casually limped towards Hannah "how was I? Are you proud of me?Come on, The shiny knight in armor is waiting for his reward"

In reply to his shameless questions, Hannah blushed shyly before pecking him on his lips as his eyes squinted in delight at this small notion of acceptance.

It wasn't the first kiss, but it was the truest kiss Hannah had ever given.

"Now's not the time to continue this,there's a pod over there, you should go! I'll follow you right after" As she pointed towards John's private escape pod.

"What about you?" Hal asked in a serious tone, he wasn't blind or stupid enough to not know that this was the only escape pod available near here.

"I..I'm infected, you should go, I'm not saint maria but I definitely don't want to be the start of a second era of advanced zombies." She muttered faintly as her eyes dimmed a little, the silence she heard behind her confirmed his reply, a man's greatest fault was always his blinded eyes, drowned in greed as like the many others.

But she soon felt a firm grip over her waist as she was pulled into a soft embrace.

"I'm not abandoning you...ever"

'I didn't choose the wrong man after all.' "But what if you'd have to wait a thousand years, what if you can't remember me? Are you sure you can keep your promise?" In her heart, she already knew the true answer to that question, but hearing it from the man she loved was just satisfying.

"Just a thousand? Don't underestimate yourself"

Hannah wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she endearingly stared into his soft and doting eyes that only held enough space for her alone.

"Since you're so committed, I've decided, you're the man that I'm going to haunt! Even if you regret there's no changing it anymore! I'll follow you through for as long as I still exist, I will follow you and kill all those who get in my way!" As she stuck her tongue out cutely as the blaring lights of red and white flickered in the screaming room.

"Why you little teasing thing " as he sunk his face towards her little tongue and wrapped his around hers.

They both closed their eyes peacefully with sap and vigor just blasting off in their body as they kissed each other passionately.

"Self-destruction in 3....2.....1....BOOOOM!"

The room soon shone in a flash of white before everything disappeared into dust as Hannah and Hal's smiling figures were soon swallowed by the light.

-In this life, my only mistake was not finding him sooner



Clearing up -Someone betrayed her, an unknown force is striking at her and Hal specifically. Only trusts Hal in her heart.


Hua yinyue"My 4 year old son just called a piggy back ride a Yoda ride"

Hua yinyue" There's nothing more I can teach him, ready for the world, she is"