There's no medicine for regrets

Upon hearing multiple footsteps heading towards her,Hua yinyue blinked her eyes repeatedly and her expression changed from a cold emotionless demoness to an innocent little girl with puffy eyes.

She had a long slightly oversized blue dress draped over her while her straight long white hair hung messily while her large round crustal blue eyes stared curiously at the people who've just entered.

Zhi Huang was carrying an annoyed look at he stared at her 'innocent' form, a trace of displeasure could be seen on his almost perfect face as the head doctor whispered to him.

With her enhanced soul, Hua yinyue's body had heightened senses and could barely hear his conversation

"Sir, the patient seems to have damaged on of her blood vessels located in her cerebral cortex, this might result in long term amnesia, you are advised to bring her to locations that are familiar to hasten her recovery speed"

Hua yinyue nearly laughed loudly but held it in, she looked down on the bed as her body trembled to hold her laughter in 'HAHAHA, by law after such a thing happens the husband is not allowed to have a divorce with his wife. Man annoying male leads are so fun~. Besides being an amnesiac patient also lowers their guard towards me making it easier to play with them'

But from the outside it looked like she was a lost child that was startled by their entrance as she quickly looked away and trembled with fear, looking very pitiful that men would want to console and pamper her dearly.

But of course the male lead had the obsession halo and was only annoyed at the sight of her figure while Murong Qingyu smile in contempt at the sight of her sorry figure, who asked her to be married to Zhi Huang?

Hua yinyue's background was also pretty normal except for her deceased father who'd once saved Zhi Huang's father resulting in the arranged marriage.

"Who.... who are you?" Hua yinyue weakly murmured faintly, but it was loud enough for everyone in the small room to hear her words.

QinQin wasn't present since she was the culprit. How nice, not even visiting or sending words of concern towards someone she'd injured.

This really ticked Hua yinyue off, the arrogant and foolish behavior of the leads was always so annoying.

Zhi Huang sighed at her words as he looked at her with disdain evident in his dark eyes before walking away without a single care for his wife while Murong Qingyu followed him smugly.

The doctor merely gave a sigh as he stared at the pitiful little girl 'Looks like the rumors were true, Miss Hua's husband really doesn't love her'

Hua yinyue continued her facade when everyone had left as she seemed to have relaxed as she stared curiously towards the outside of her hospital room.

'Hmm, what should I do? Start my own company or become a secret underground boss?'as she rested her chin on her right hand.

Xiao Bai 'What about your cultivation'

Hua yinyue said in annoyance "There's a camera at the top left corner of the painting monitoring my movements" How could she get into her meditating stance without blowing her cover? Seems like this was going to be a troubling issue...

'Ahh this so troublessome!!!' as she rubbed the point between her brows.

But she suddenly stood up and walked towards the window as she stared off towards a particular figure.

Her emotions were in a mess as she started towards an average looking timid teen about 18-year-old with a messy black hair that was throwing a well-wrapped gift on the floor as he stared at the couple in front of him while trying his best to contain his anger.

He was just infront of her building as she peered out of her window, being in the second level made it easier to look at the commotion going on as she heard his conversation.

The woman sneered at his cheap clothing as she clung towards an arrogant red headed teen, she was quite the beauty herself with her well defined features and eyes catching C-cup breasts. It was pretty easy to deduce that she was a campus belle. "Li Jie, just give up already, what can you give me with your pitiful amount of cash and average looks, Look at Chi Jie , he is the younger brother of the multimillionare Chi Jun, owner of Chi Corps, you aren't even fit to carry his shoes"

The man called Li Jie merely stared at her as he calmed his emotions 'I should've known better'

Chi Jie mocked his cheap clothes before throwing $10,000 at Li Jie's face "Take it as a gift for taking care of Li Ting for me." Before lauging away with his little beauty and drove his Mercedes away.

Hua yinyue was fuming with rage as she stared at her boyfriend who was trying to date other girls! Hal you bastard! It's only been like one week and you've been chasing other girls already! As she pulled her little head out of the window.

But her legs slipped on the floor 'crap!' as she was flung out of the window but she soon landed on a soft embrace as she caught a whiff of a nice and warm bamboo scent.She opened her large blue eyes before looking at Li Jie who was crushed under her body.

"Ouch, what the hell are you doing-" Before pausing his words as he stared at the figure sitting on his body. It was a rougly 160cm little girl with porcelain white skin and large round eyes and her volumptious breast that was less than 30cm away from him.But what surprised him was a strong resonance from his heart that was just itching him to pull her into his embrace.

He seemed to have startled the little beauty sitting ontop of him she scurried away and ran towards the hospital.

Even though she was wearing a a plain blue patient dress, it was still unable to conceal her beauty.

But he cursed inwardly at the little girl who ran away without apologising for freaking ambushing him before walking away.

Hua yinyue who was still running away 'Even though I've seduced him mutliple times in my previous life, why do I still feel so embrassed whenever I see him? as she clutched her fuming hot face.


-In the garden-

5 year old daughter "Mum what are these?"

Hua yinyue "These are weeds sweetie, we pull them out because they disturb other plants"

Daughter *looks around* "Mummy, we have alot of it"

Hua yinyue "Yes,sweetie, it grows almost naturally"

-In school-

Teacher "Look at these plants, everyone grows different types of it in their garden, what do your parents grow?"

Child 1"Sunflowers!"

Child 2" Dandelion"

Daughter "WEED!!"

-At home-


Hua yinyue "!!!"

Policeman "Miss you are under arrest for suspicion of growing weed"

Hua yinyue turns "CLARISSA!!!!"

(5 year old daughter name-Clarissa)