A small visit

"Someone beat up my little Brother up? Though he's nothing more than a lucky bastard, he's still my Brother, take good 'care' of the people who dared stand up against the Chi family" a cold voice echoed against the phone as the two bodyguards around struggled to maintain their calm upon noticing Chi Jun's anger.

Though everyone knew that Chi Jie was nothing more than a bastard outside, but as the older Brother , Chi Jun would always pamper him despite his sharp words.

But just as he slammed his office phone onto the table ,Chi Jun felt a chill in his back as he jumped back almost immediately.

Just then, the chair he was sitting on was chopped in two, the two bodyguards surrounded their young master with their large bodies.

A smooth and soothing voice soon reverberated through the office room as a figure dressed in white soon came into view.

She wore a silver mask and donned a white outfit with a white coat hung loosely around her shoulders.Like a powerful CEO stepping into her domain. The silver masked that covered half of her face failed to mask her beauty as all the men swallowed their saliva.

Her silver hair flowed freely as her clear blue eyes gently looked at them.

But they would definitely be a fool if they mistook her for a harmless lily.

"My you really do live up to your image Mr CEO" a cheerful voice rang as though she hadn't tried to kill him a moment ago.

"Who are you?" Chi Jun calmly asked as he slowly etched towards the walls of the office discreetly.

"don't bother " the figure in white sighed as she glanced towards the wall Chi Jun was heading to.Almodt immediately, the cupboard smashed against the wall, blocking his escape path.

"She's one of them!"Despite the fact that cultivation had actually died down in this planet due to its pathetic amount of spirit energy . Everyone in the underworld will definitely remember them since the few surviving clans were avoided like the plaque.

They all had powerful figures with mystical powers making them so powerful that even guns were nothing more than toys in their eyes. Even the Chi Clan could barely afford a couple

Dozens of cultivators.

The strength she exhibited could maybe even rival that of the patriarchies in the top clans. The most shocking fact was that she didn't even seem to be in her twenties yet!

"What does this esteemed one want to do with me?" Chi Jun adopted a respectful tone almost immediately as he cupped towards her.

" sheesh no need to be so formal" She slightly waved her flawless jade like hands as she yawned likely.

Chi Jun's eyes twitched at the sight of her carefree actions but knew better than to annoy someone who could kill him in a seconds notice.

"I came to give you a little warning."she slightly paused as she spared a small glance towards Chi Jun to see his expression.

His eyes narrowed as he scanned through his head for what he might've done to offend this powerful master.

Watching his little act as if he was carefully considering her words made her chuckle inside 'he's probably thinking of a million ways to escape'. Not wanting to scare off the little man Hua yinyue continued " This woman is under my clans protection, don't think I don't know what you've recently done"

Chi Jun looked at the picture Hua yinyue carelessly tossed towards him before widening his eyes. This girl had a striking resemblance to the girl he recently called to be 'taken care of'.

Chi Jun immediately looked up to ask more questions before seeing the figure disappearing while a little letter flew into his hands . It wrote 'just a little gift~ the white swan'

He franctically flipped through the letter and to his horror he found evidence towards the Chi family's recent spendings on high tech weapons that could threaten the government. Worse yet there was even a couple of words highlighted in red'THE ASSASINATION OF THE PRESIDENT'.It consisted of all the Chi family's involvement in the assasinatiin in detail. It was so scary that his figure trembled at the though of then powerhouse he almost offended.

He took out his latest phone as he called his secretary"retract order"


A white figure soon appeared in a rustic old apartment. The mask she wore was unable to conceal the unparalleled beauty hidden within.

She slowly approached the worn out bed before gently stroking the men sleeping peacefully on it. ' now what should I do next? build up my own strength or pay the little leading couple a visit?' Hmm decisions, decisions.