Feelings of a reincarnater

" Are you sure about this?" Li Jie asked as he nervously darted his eyes everywhere

"It'll be fine, it's just going to be awkward for a year or two" Hua yinyue casually replied earning her a small glare from Li Jie

(That's the problem!) were the words that were echoing in Li Jie's head as his shoulders sank in defeat towards his new girlfriend.

"It's all right, just know that if anything happens we can just hit and go" Hua yinyue said as she sent a "comforting" pat to Li Jie

(Why do I feel like we're going to murder them instead ?!) Li Jie was slightly alarmed as he silently reminded himself not to get into any fights...for the safety of others.

Hua yinyue (... why is he so cowardly?)


Inside the class of 3-1 the loud chattering of the teens soon came into an abrupt stop as they saw the two figures trotting into class. What's wrong ? Were all of you stunned by my beauty?" Hua yinyue asked as she innocently cupped her cheeks.

Everyone ( .... WHAT? )

Everybody's mind went blank as they saw the notorious duo who beat up Chi Jie and his lackys returning safe and sound. WTF just happened?

Chi Jie who was informed about their return by his older brother looked at Li Jie in contempt as he snorted "Cheh, it's just the return of a coward and his knight in shining armor" .Since he couldn't go for Hua yinyue , then why couldn't he go for that coward Li Jie instead?

Li Jie ignored Chi Jie's provocations as he pulled Hua yinyue to her seat with him at the back, not giving her a chance to retort.

Hua yinyue (but I wanted to stir shit... D: )

Li Jie (I want a normal school life please)

Hua yinyue soon fell asleep in English class, the only class that was interesting to her was the one on Chinese medicine since she'd only studied about western medicine back then.

The teacher could only silently glare at the uninterested student as he had been informed earlier by the dean about her background. It was better not to provoke these type of students besides this was her future not his so why would he care if she slept in his class that much?

Li Jie, on the other hand, ignored Hua yinyue as he listened intently in class.

"RINGGGG!!!" The bell echoed through the school as it signaled the end and start of another class.

*Yawn* Hua yinyue stretched her delicate little arms as she dazedly rubbed her eyes before noticing that Li Jie was already gone.

(... where did my waifu go?)

She quickly got up and looked around the classroom hallways only to see a familiar figure holding another WOMEN!

Though she was wearing plain clothes, Hua yinyue could easily distinguish that they were made of the finest materials, but what alarmed Hua yinyue more was that she was pret- just slightly above average on the face score. She had large almond eyes with a glossy blond hair that trailed down to her hips.

For some reason the 3rd school beauty Qin Qin was currently blushing at Li Jie who caught her before she went crashing on the floor while Li Jie was also slightly entranced by her large captivating eyes.

The only thing off about the picture was the fact that he was holding a plastic bag filled with delicious treats for Hua yinyue.

Hua yinyue (.....oh system :) come out here right now :) I just want to ask you a few questions dear :) who is that girl? :D )

System (... er....ahah.. well erm... I kind of forgot to tell you about her.... )

Hua yinyue's smile deepened as she further inquired (What about her my dear system?)

*Internal gulp.* System ( hahaha, well erm looky doo it seems that the main villain has erm... has a supporting female lead that)

(Yes?) Hua yinyue's eyes curved upwards as she smiled towards the system further

(is) *sweat*

(Go on)

*Sweating intensifies* (his)

(mm hmm?)

*Internal screaming* (...girlfriend)



(System?) After quite some time ,Hua yinyue smiled towards the cloud of smoke that was the system as she asked politely.

(.. er ..yes host?) The system quietly replied with caution

(and why didn't you tell me that earlier?) she asked the system with a great big smile that did not reach her eyes.

(erm.... errr ....System shutting down...) Error Error Error!

Hua yinyue calmed down with deep breaths before she turned to face the duo(.... hmm how annoying what should I do with this fickle man? ) her eyes whirled with the feelings of hurt and betrayal she soon gave off a dry laughter before her expression soon warped back to normal as she went ahead and yelled out to Li Jie "HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

Li Jie was immediately stunned as he dropped the girl he was holding making her go splat on the floor before facing Hua yinyue guiltily with his hands behind his back.

"Ouch! Hey why did you do that you brute!" Qin Qin squeaked as she was tossed on the floor casually by Li Jie . This was the first time anyone dared to do so towards her, the goddess of the school! But those big strong arms were... quite comforting.

"Hmm, you weren't eloping behind my back now were you?" Hua yinyue questioned him down as she firmly questioned him.

"E- eloping? What? No never I would rather die than leave you!" Li Jie firmly replied while Qin Qin subconsciously clenched her fist as an unknown feeling warped through her heart.

"Then why aren't you dead yet?" Hua yinyue asked as she scanned Li Jie up and down.

Li Jie(.... do you actually want me to die?) " Because I still love you"

Hua yinyue (... why did you have to pull a sneak attack on me?!" )before pouting as she stomped away .

Li Jie" Wait up!" as he quickly ran towards her leaving a baffled Qin Qin behind.

Hua yinyue lips soon arched upwards as she silent murmured "stupid man" when she saws how quickly he left Qin Qin behind.

(... fine I'll indulge myself in his love for now... as for that woman... well she won't live past today) as she had silently gave off a traceless odorless and tasteless poison behind her.

System "Woah what a jealous woman"

Xiao Bai "doesn't that mean that Li Jie would of died if he hadn't chased after Hua yinyue"


Xiao Bai "..."

System "..."

Xiao Bai" ..."