chapter 11

Leonard group arrived at the manor, which was located in a corner of the city near the garrison.

The servant stopped their group outside of the gate- however John told him of their identity and they quickly let their group pass.

Inside the meeting room of the manor, gathered by high ranking military officers to draw up plans against the recent Rosen threat.

"....have they begun their move?" Erik, who was sitting on one of the chairs asked the people around him.

"Reporting your grace, they indeed have begun to move their troops, I fear that their full force will cross our border in a daytime if it wasn't for the army stationed by the second young master." one of the commanders reported to him.

*Slam one of the commanders slammed his fist onto the marble table.

"What are those Rosen bastard up to?! We need to send reinforcement to the second young master immediately!" he shouted.

*knock *knock then suddenly there was knocking on the door of the meeting room.

The knocking sound has drawn all of their attention.

"What is it?" Erik called out.

The door opened and a butler walked in.

"Your grace, the third young master, and his companions have arrived- he told me that there's something important that's for your ears only." the butler reported.

"Leonard?! What the hell is he doing here?!" Erik wanting to shout, however, he decided not to act over the top. "Call him in," Erik orders the butler.

Outside of the meeting, Leonard was told to wait.

"Third young master, please follow me, his grace has ordered me to bring you in." the butler replied respectfully to him, and then lead him inside the meeting room.

Inside Leonard saw his father, along with Conner and some other military higher up that he totally has no idea of about their names.

"What do you want to tell me, Leonard?" Erik asked his son.

"Father, on the way here….I saw an entourage of Rosen heavy cavalry, it seems like they were heading to the northern border." Leonard then filled Erik in on what he encountered on their way to the northern garrison city.

"WHAT?!" one of the commanders yelled out in shock about the piece of information.

"This is bad if I'm not wrong- there should be making their way to the back of our army in the northern front!" Erik muttered.

"Send out my words, call for the troop to rush there and reinforce my son immediately! This cannot be delayed!" Erik gave his order.

"At once your grace, please allow me to lead this reinforcement." the commander who was the one responsible for all the shouting volunteered.

"Uhmm, go." Erik nodded.

The man then immediately got off of his seat and rushed out of the room, probably to immediately mobilized the troops and rushed to the northern front.

After the man left, Erik brought his attention to Leonard.

"The information that you have given us was really important Leonard, with this we can decrease our casualty and save a lot of good men." Erik thanked him.

"Now tell me...what are you doing here?" Erik then added.

"Vacation." Leonard just replied with one single word.

The room immediately went into silence by Leonard answer, Erik too, was speechless, he did not expect that kind of answer, Erik just lets out a sigh.

"Whatever...enjoy your vacation," he told Leonard.

"Will do, father." Leonard then bowed and left the room.

After Leonard left the room, the meeting between the military higher up and Erik was soon wrapped up, everyone then left and returned to their position- except for the one that was in charge of leading the troop to support Leonard second brother.

The man was quite quick, he manages to mobilize half the garrison- which was roughly 5,000 troops and headed toward the border to help.

Back within the meeting room, the only people left now were Conner and Erik.

"So Conner….tell what's do you think the kid is up to?" Erik asked his trusted aide

"I am not too sure, your grace. However I believe that there's something for him to gain from the conflict with the Rosen kingdom, as I've already reported to you, he is studying in the art of Necromancy." Conner reported to him.

"...go watch over the kid," Erik ordered Conner.

"But your grace, what about you?" Conner protested.

"Do not worry, I can take care of myself, it's not every day that a random assassin could come and try to assassinate someone of my caliber." Erik narrowed his eyes to a corner of the meeting room.

*swoosh Conner flung his flying knife at the direction that Erik was looking.

*Puchi! The sound of flesh being puncture was then heard.

*thud there was the sound of something heavy felled, Conner went to the corner and inspected the scene.

"Camouflage cloak? Not bad…I knew someone was hiding somewhere in here but I didn't expect someone to use a piece of magic equipment to hide." Conner said.

"You know who that one is?" Erik asked him.

"Name? No, but the organization that he belongs to, yes I know that one- it's the Black Scorpion." Conner answered him.

"What's the deal with sending weakling after me? Don't they know that it won't work?" Erik asks Conner as he lightly kicked the now dead assassin.

Back in the previous town (I'm going to name it Berlin now)

In the mayor estate medical room.

Richer was laying in one of the medical bed, suffering.

"How do you feel now?" a doctor asked him.

"I feel like shit...*cough *cough." Richer coughed out those words and replied to the doctor.

"Do you know what's the cause of your current situation?" he asked.

"I was fighting a kid in town and he cut me." Richer then narrated the tale of what happened the day before, the doctor who listened, began to scribble down something on his paper.

"Hmm, I believe that the injury that he gave you yesterday is the cause for all of this." the doctor came to conclusion.

"Well, no shit! Anybody can see that! But I'm asking you! Can you help me?!" Richer then continued to cough and went back to feeling like shit once more.