chapter 20

Currently, Leonard was in a bit of problem, having the blade of a sharp dagger touching the skin of his neck and a voice of a woman saying.

Leonard immediately shifted his eyes toward the culprit, he only saw a figure dressed all in black with face covered.

"Don't move, unless you want a bloody gash on your neck."

"How unlucky?! I came out just for some fresh air and immediately getting a knife placing on my throat by a she-bandit?!" Leonard curses inside his head.

"Easy there, we can talk this need...for any bloody gash…beautiful lady..." Leonard stuttered out those words and adding in a bit of flattery, hoping to persuade the woman from committing any violent.

"Quite a flatterer I see, cheeky brat, you're too young for my taste, go try again in a few years." the woman whispered and blow a bit of air into his ear and Leonard couldn't help but shiver.

"What do you want with me?" Leonard asked her.

"I need you to help me get into the Evergreen army camp," she told him.

"What are you planning to do?" Leonard asked her.

"Of course….to kill," she stated the last two words in a tone filled with bloodlust, enough that made Leonard body felt a freezing chill.

"Wh-what make you think that I will lead you inside!" Leonard accidentally blurted out at her.

"Well, I'll just kill you." she then tightened her dagger against Leonard's throat.

Leonard closed his eyes and waited for the worse to come, he waited….and waited, however, no pain ever came.

"Huh? I'm still alive?" Leonard let out a small sigh of relief.

"Just kidding, I won't kill you, if you help me get in, I'll even reward you." the woman told him.

"What kind of reward? Leonard asked her out curiosity.

"A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g-s that you wished for...I can provide it," she whispered into his ear once more.

Leonard mouth now was quite dried as his body began to heat it up.

"Calm down Leonard...she's a psychopathic not fall for it!" he kept on reminding himself of the situation he's in.

If he were to take this woman inside the army camp, who knows how much damages she will cause them, she even stated that she wanted to kill in there.

"System...can you give an order to all the undead that I created and left inside the camp?" Leonard asked the system using his mind.

[Affirmative, host can give an order to minions via the system.] the message screen popped up and showed him.

"Perfect…" Leonard thought and grinned.

"Alright, I'll take you inside the camp," Leonard told the woman.

"Please then, lead the way~," she told him.

Leonard then leads the woman back to their army camp.

When Leonard arrived back at the camp, he was greeted by the knights that were guarding the perimeter, he just nodded at them and continue to walk further in with the dangerous woman.

"System, send my command for the zombie knights, tell them to surround the two of us." Leonard gave the mental command to the system.

[Order has been sent to all nearby minions.] the system informed him with a message popup.

Then immediately, all the zombie knights that were patrolling the camp stopped, and slowly marched on their way toward Leonard to surround him and the woman.

next, he leads her into one of the tents, now all he needs is to buy some time.

"Alright, tell me where the camp commander and other officers are located." the woman then asked Leonard.

"Now hold on, before I take you to where the one in charge is located, I need you to abide on our term of the agreement," Leonard told her.

"Huh? No, I need you to take me there first! I have a job to finish!" she told him.

"What's the rush? It's not like the commander is going to just pick up and leave." Leonard reassures her.

"Urgh! Fine, what do you want?" the woman spoke in much annoyances.

Leonard then acted all shy and blushed and stutter his words out as much as possible.

Veins were popping up on the woman forehead.

"Kid, what the hell do you want?!" she glares at him.

"I just" he continued to stutter.

The woman in black was not amused and pulled out her weapon and grab him by the neck.

"…," she ordered him.

"Ehhh! I just want to see your face...and get to know you better…." he coughed out those words.

".....that is? were being so secretive up till now just...for that?" Luminous was completely lost for words after she manages to blurt out these words from her mouth.

"Well yeah…" Leonard blushed.

"Oh-ho? You trying to hit on me once again huh?" she went close to his face and said in a coy tone of voice.

"Well, too bad, it ain't going to happen unless you take me to your commander first," she whispered into his ear.

"No! It had to be now! What if after you do your business and suddenly pick up and run?! Wouldn't I be in a loss?!" Leonard retorted vehemently

"System is the zombies here yet?!" Leonard called out to the system using his mind desperately.

[Minions is currently waiting outside the tent.] the message told him.

Leonard saw this message, and couldn't help but grinned evilly.

"Get them to charge in and apprehend this woman...don't kill her, I still need to extract some information from her." he once again gives his mental command.

[Affirmative] the system replied.

"Dark Binding!" Leonard then called out a spell when the woman was in a daze by his request.

Shadow tendrils shoot out from the ground and then began to wrap themselves onto the woman.

The spell dark binding is a restricted spell that Leonard has within his arsenal that was designed to bind a target for a short amount of time, prevent them from moving.

"What is-!!!!" she was caught by surprise, after Leonard cast the spell he quickly dashed out.

"GET HER!!!" Leonard then roared out for the zombies that have surrounded the tent.

Immediately they all jumped in and grab hold of the woman.