chapter 35: Is this the end?

"Where the hell am I?" Leonard opened his eyes after an unknown amount of time has passed when he lost conscious and went into berserk mode after over using his void form ability to fight against the beast king that greed after his system.

But upon opening his eyes, he noticed that he was no longer on the plain where the battle previously took place, he was once again within the same dimension that housed the system manager- however this place only look oddly similar- yet different.

"This place, is this where the system manager reside? Why does it look, so colorful, unlike the last visit I had with him?" he questioned as his eyes began to wandered around.

The world that he was currently in was basically a half filled blank sheet, completed with groundworks, green vegetation and such- however the sky was blank.

Further in the distant he saw a small cottage made of wood, just sitting nicely on top of a hill.

"Huh, seem like the system manager had some new weird exotic taste since the last time we meet." Leonard was baffled by the changes he seen thus far.

"But why did he warped me into this dimension?" more and more questions just came into his mind, yet none of them had a definite answer.

Leonard went toward the cottage and slowly pushed the door open and went inside, he was surprise at first that the door itself was unlocked.

When he was inside, he could faintly hear the sound of keyboard typing furiously, he stealthy advanced toward the location where the noise originate from.

Which turned out to be a large cozy living room.

He took a step toward the large chair that was placed in front of a large computer monitor with a document filled to the brim with words.

However he accidentally made a creaking noise due to applying too much pressure on the wood flooring below his feet.




The sound of typing abruptly stop the moment the creaking sound disturbed the typing rhythms and the chair quickly turned over a 180 degree and faced Leonard.

When the chair turned and face him, Leonard was stunned speechless by what he saw.

"Who are you?" a small petite figure stared back at him and asked the intruder.

"That's what I'm suppose to ask you, where are the system manager?" Leonard asked the petite figure of what he presumed to be a loli.

"System manager? Who the heck is that? I don't know anyone who goes by this name in this world- more like I should be the only one in this world, how the hell did you get yourself here?" the petite loli asked him with a question filled gaze, however moment later- she finally realized who Leonard was after looking up on her tablet.

"Ah! I know you! You're that mess up kid who worked for that crazy dimensional god! What the hell! Why are you here?! Shouldn't you be with that insane god after you passed into the afterlife?!" her face was red with anger as she looked up Leonard information.

"What? Who are you? Why did you transport me here?" Leonard was now confused, he had no idea what the hell is going on anymore, the last thing he remembers was being punched into oblivion while doing the same to the beast king during their final battle that took place in a world resembled that of the Resident Evil, but more messed up to the point of being unrecognizable.

"Shut it puny mortal, you're standing before one of the dimension god who govern the multiverse, even if you're a bit famous in our community, it does not give you the right to address me! The great author that way." she glared at him.

"Can you at least tell me what the hell is going on, little girl?" Leonard asked her while his eyes was twitching, he thought that this was some kind of pranks pulled by the heartless system once again, or was it that trolling god of the system.

The petite loli vein popped out from her forehead after hearing Leonard casually asking her without any form of respect.

"Mute! BIND!" she commanded.

"Huh-uhhh!!!" Leonard was about to response to her, however he suddenly felt like his tongue was being tied up and his entire body paralyzed.

"Maybe this is a glitch from the grand system?" she went into deep thought as she occasionally glanced down onto Leonard, who lied there, helpless and glaring at her with his helpless eyes.

"Please, don't look at me like that, I'm not into other men you know, I know how perverted you get can based on what written on your fate so far." the "loli" spilled "her" secret which almost made Leonard choked.

"But since you're here, we might as well introduce one another until I figure out a solution for you." the former "loli" now turned shota trap shrugged as he leaned back onto his chair.

"I am what you mortal called- god and just like whoever sent you into your current fate, I am the same as him, so nice to meet you- but please, don't address me with the "god" title, it isn't fitting, but feel free to address me as the "Author" though." he introduced himself.

"No need to introduce yourself, I already know of who you are and what are your little secret."

He shrugged before snapping his finger and the restriction that was placed on Leonard mysteriously disappeared and he was free once more.

"Do you know why I am here? I'm confused, since you're a god- I mean, the author, you should know of what's going...right?" Leonard asked the terrifying shota trap in front of him, while he was cursing inside.

"What's the hell is with the multiverse and it traps?! First I found that a retarded trap was my ancestor and now- knowing that one had ascendant into the realm of being a god, he fears that his frail and delicate heart could not taken any more of this.

"Like hell if I know, that's why I asked you about who you are the first time we met- which was a moment ago!" the trap clicked his tongue.

"However, I did come up with many theories on what the hell just happened though." the trap raised his petite fingers up.

"In the end, it all boiled down to one thing." he told Leonard.

"A glitch in the grand system of fates, something must had happened, based on what I've observed so far on the public domain, you should be dead, what remnant of you should be with your contract holder since you literally belonged to him the moment you accept the fate and reincarnated if you are truly dead in your new life." he told Leonard.

"It may be rare, yet it not impossible either, nothing is truly perfect in the grand multiverse, even the system itself might have encountered one or two glitches once in a while, I'm sure it should fix itself sooner or later, while that happened- I suggest you prepare yourself in case you're indeed dead." he shrugged.

"I'm...dead?" Leonard fell onto his knee as he comprehended the words of a god, who was "kind" enough to informed him about his situation.

"We don't truly know about it yet, we have to wait for the grand system to correct itself, but if you're truly dead, then please, receive my greatest condolences, you have successfully cheated death many time throughout your fate and as one of your observer- spectator, I have to say, you should be proud of yourself." the trap god went over and pat him on the head.

Leonard was stunned and speechless about the situation as memory of his life flashed before him like a little movie, first was his past life, the one before he choked on instant ramen and died tragically and then that of his new reincarnated life.

"At least don't be too down about, even if you're truly dead, I can still try to get that contract that binds you to the other dimensional god and granted you a new life in your reincarnated world- albeit without the memories of this one and the system assistant of course, to start another messed up fate such as the one you're currently living in is against the law of the grand system…" the trap god tried to cheer him up.

"Hahahaha!" Leonard laughed loudly as tear streaming down both of his eyes.

"Fates a bitch huh, I've taken things for granted so far- now that knowing of the chance of me losing everything, I finally began to appreciate it." he cracked a smile.

The trap god raised an eyebrow seeing Leonard strange response to the situation.

Leonard then turned to the trap god who tried to cheer him up with some possible option, if he were truly dead from the fight with the beast king.

"Thanks, let fates played out on it own first, I want to test my luck, if I am truly that weak than what's the point of continuing? Before I was reincarnated over, I set a goal for myself, that I too- shall be a god who are free to do as he wished!"

Leonard face started to turn into that of defiant and conviction as he looked at the god.

After he finished saying his line- the world itself turned dark.

[Grand System detected possible glitches and error- began reconstruction of the fates…success, errors has been corrected]

Leonard body began to glow in a golden radiant before slowly disintegrate into tiny particles and disappeared from the pocket dimension.

Even after Leonard disappeared, the trap god showed no emotion on his face as he watched a youngster trying to defy against his own fates.

"Huh? What is this? New notification?" however his attention was caught when suddenly he received an update notification on one of the story that he was following.