The Incident in the Gao Village

It is not that I do not save this girl. It is a celestial rule that we cannot interfere with things on Earth without a proper reason.

If you have interfered in this, and then that, your co-workers will not be happy. They manage humans in groups. If you just keep making exceptions, no one will be happy.

As for this girl, if those in the fate-designing department have written: Suicide after three days, and I now make her an exception and keep her alive, then the fate line will be in disorder. The ten future lives for her will be in chaos. The nether world will not receive her soul and those who will be connected to this girl in her next life will be in chaos. Then those who will be connected to them will be in chaos. This will be a butterfly effect.

Changing a fate of one human may not be good. Maybe she is going to save another human in her next life, but she cannot get there on time because in this life she dies late. Then, I will be saving one life and killing one life. What will happen if this person who should be saved will go on saving other humans? Then, I will be saving one life and killing more lives. All these are based on the basic structure of reincarnation. As a result, no one can promise whether it is good or bad to change fate.

However, is this the fault of Sun Wukong? Of course not! This is the retribution for those in the fate-writing department deities.

Anyway, I am Nanhai Guanyin bodhisattva and I will interfere in this incident. Even if they get mad, they can only backtalk about me and go change the book of fate.

It has been so many years that Western Paradise and Heaven do not bother each other. In fact, no one wants to reveal the fact that none are clean and innocent.

I will say that, the biggest problem will be Jade Emperor, but who can regulate him? They all let him make more sins.

Sun Wukong with the baby fox in his hand and he stomps the ground because I don't give any response: 'Bodhisattva, bodhisattva, say something please!'

I say: 'The conflict between yokais and humans was not born yesterday. Even if today we tell them to live peacefully with yokais, it will not work. We have to watch how this thing goes and then think of another solution. Sun Wukong, do not be anxious. I have told you that even deities cannot do everything. Since I have promised you that I will save this girl, I will not watch her dying.'

Sun Wukong simply pats the head of the baby fox and the baby fox screams painfully: 'Why don't we simply just take her with us to Western Paradise! If we see a suitable man, we can marry her to him on the way!'

I want to laugh amused and angered by the simple-minded monkey: 'Then aren't you letting your fellow receive the scriptures with his wife? Will he be willing to let you marry his wife to another man?'

Sun Wukong says angrily: 'Then what do we do? We go to a further place to look for a man for her?'

I say: 'Monkey, have you not heard of a saying: Good news stays inside the house; bad news spreads across thousands of miles? The further it spreads, the more twisted it will be. Then, this girl will end even more tragically. What is more, she has never been apart from her parents since she was little. If you let her travel to another hometown of others to marry to a stranger, she will be too scared to go.'

Sun Wukong stares at me with his Eye of Truth. He rolls his eyes left and then right. He pats his thighs and says: 'You say no to this and that. Are you passing the buck and not willing to regulate this incident?'

I was going to rebuke him but a cry is coming from the house of the girl. The girl runs out of her house and grabs the ears of Zhu Wuneng, crying out: 'When you a yokai married me on that day, you spoke all the nice words to me but you didn't tell me that you are a yokai! Now you have got me into trouble and you are going to be a monk leaving me behind? If you knew ahead that you are going to be a monk, why did you marry me? Say! Tell me! Why did you marry me!?'

Zhu Wuneng trembles as his ears are pinched and twisted. He looks at shifu and then he looks at his wife anxiously: 'It is all my fault! It is all my fault! I didn't expect the scriptures taker to arrive so fast! I have been lonely for hundreds of years since I was banished to Earth. I thought that I would go crazy if nothing could be changed in my life. On that day, I saw in the air that you father was finding a husband for you and I saw you. I admired the wealth and honor of living in the human world that my mind slanted. It is all my fault. Don't cry...'

The girl's face has turned red because she cries so hard. She concludes hopelessly: 'Fine! Now you all want me to die! I shall die!'

Zhu Wuneng is flustered: 'Please don't say such inauspicious words! You are the precious daughter of the Gaos and the Gaos has the family property earned by me. These can ensure your future and you can use those fortunes as you want. Why do you want to die?'

The girl sees that he doesn't understand her difficulty at all and she says hopelessly: 'You a yokai was born in the wild. You are used to a life of freedom. How would you know the difficulty of being a human!'

The tear falls from the girl like a string of pearls: 'My parents, my relatives, my husband, and my children. Who is not a burden like a mountain on me? You as a yokai have no parents or connections, you just make things sound easy. Why don't you be a human and taste the bitterness for humans!?'

After that, she turns around and is going to smash herself onto a pillar aside. Zhu Wuneng sees that his wife is going to die, and he hurries to stop her shocked. He holds her tightly in his arms and speaks to Xuan Zang as he turns his face back: 'Shifu, these scriptures shall not be received by me! I don't go to receive the scriptures anymore! I don't want that enlightenment anymore!'

How can this be proper? No one can leave on the way to Western Paradise. It is not something that he can leave as he wishes!

I have imagined that today he doesn't follow his fate, and the next day his pig head shall be cut down and made into a dish on the table of Jade Emperor.

How beautiful and young girl she is! I know that she grew up with all the cares from her parents. She planned to marry to a good mand and enjoy a peaceful life. She wanted to accompany her parents always. Who knows that the fate is being mean to her? That handsome young man yesterday is a fat big-ears yokai today. He scared all her relatives away. Even a child who passes by her gate will laugh "The precious daughter of the Gaos has been married to a yokai! The precious daughter of the Gaos has been married to a yokai!"

Although she hates the unpredictable fate, the yokai treats her with real heart. He is also hard-working. He supports the family and the property that no one else dares to harm them. She thought her life would be like that forever peacefully, but who knows that this yokai is going to be a monk now?

Then, she is taking things to hard. She doesn't know who is right and who is wrong. She is confused, and she thinks it is her fault. She has implicated her family to be detested by others. She cannot get over it that she is going to kill herself.

Now, she wants to die as well after her family wanted her to die. The incident has become disorder.

I pull Sun Wukong to me immediately and hurry to say: 'Now we got no time to prepare and I am going to do it by myself. However, just I alone will not work. Go to Nanhai and take my disciple Huian here. I and Huian will show our real identity and solve this problem.'

Sun Wukong says anxiously: 'You are already the Nanhai Guanyin bodhisattva. Why is it not enough that you will need Huian to come?'

I say: 'You didn't know that these mortal humans only believe in what they see. Although my disciple doesn't have many good qualities, he is still the little prince of the Heavenly King Li. Humans know his father. Also, he is good looking and humans want to trust him. Although you the monkey have many good qualities, you look scary and humans do not believe you.'

Sun Wukong is doubting: 'Really?'

I say: 'Yes. Tell him to dress well and clean.'

Sun Wukong tumbles to the clouds in the sky and he disappears. I soon call the nearby Earth Deity out: 'Are there any mountains nearby? Does it have any yokais?'

The Earth Deity comes out from the ground with the breath of soil. He sees me and is surprised. Then, he kneels down to me to show his respect for me: 'I will not hide anything from bodhisattva. There were some yokais in the nearby mountain and they usually caught humans to eat. However, Zhu Wuneng is a strong one that since he came here, he has cleared out any other yokais living here. There is no more man-eating yokai in this region.'

I order the Earth Deity: 'Ask all animals that has cultivated to here, in front of the Gao village to bow, including the birds in the air, from all these nearby mountains. Do not leave one single cultivating being. Remember, the bigger the show is, the better it is.'

The Earth Deity takes my order and leaves. Sun Wukong also comes back with my disciple's collar in his hands. He drags Huian and pushes him in front of me: 'Bodhisattva, the little Xingzhe is here. The little Xingzhe is here!'

This Sun Wukong is usually carefree but now he has put effort in this incident. It is obvious that after following and learning from the little monk, he has finally shown his potential to loving-kindness.

I say to Huian: 'Do you still remember what shifu told you before?'

Huian glances at the Sun monkey and says indifferently: 'We need a big appearance if we are going to meet humans. The more stupid they are, the bigger appearance show should be.'

Right, we need a big appearance show. A very big one.

I watch that this Earth Deity has summoned all the cultivating birds and beasts on the ground. It is a scene of ten thousands of animals kneeling and bowing. People nearby are first scared and then they are curious. They all come out to see what happened. People are gathering in to a larger and larger crowd and they whisper to each other.

After there are enough people gathering around the Gao village and even a fly cannot go out. I and Huian land from the clouds with ten thousands of golden rays in front of every humans and every animals to the Gao village.

Although I am bodhisattva and shouldn't be arrogant, I am complacent about my appearance show.

Being a bodhisattva has this advantage: I can zhuangbi; I can zhuangbi as much as I want to. I can have lots of special effects and I can add other effects as well. Longnv one time suggests me to change the golden rays in her appearance show to pink rays and I rejected her idea. I am very serious on this issue. Although we can make special effects, our special effects cannot be randomly done. This is a big deal.

At the moment we appear, we are like a bomb exploding among the crowds for those in the Gao village and outside. Some are stunned and frozen. Some kneel down immediately. Some want to move closer to see what happened. It is as exciting as a marriage scene of a girl.

I walk to Mr. Gao and say: 'You have got this rare chance which shall not occur twice in one thousand years. Why would you give it up?'

No matter how stupid Zhu Wuneng can be, he knows that he needs to kneel down to me when he sees me. Once he kneels down, everyone inside and outside except for that Sun monkey who is holding his cudgel in his arms and looking around kneels down. They crook their head to look over what is happening inside the Gao village.

Since everyone has been watching, then I must perfect this show. I help the girl up and say to her: 'I can see you will have a fate with Buddhism. Why don't you be a maidservant of mine in the future?'

After my words, the voices of whispering rise immediately. All raise their head and look at that girl. She was someone being scorned and abandoned by a yokai, and now she is going to be a Xian with Guanyin bodhisattva and to cultivate in Western Paradise. She gains this fate of Xian within one day. Her father, her father's brother, and their relatives who planned to poison her to death are silent. They all glare their eyes big and don't dare to make a deep breath. Those village people who sang sarcastic song to mock at her do not dare to sing those tunes anymore.

The girl was sobbing, and after she hears my words, she cries out and begs me: 'Bodhisattva, I beg you! I beg you and please take me away with you!'

I say to her: 'Your life on Earth has not reached the end. You still have a marriage to go in the future. When you die a natural death, I will come take your soul away by myself. Now you still have your fate on Earth. After your designated fate, you shall achieve your enlightenment.'

As soon as the girl hears that her future living is assured, her eyes shine. She asks me with hope: 'Really?'

I say: 'Yes. It is not easy for a human to live. Do not waste your life in the future.'

According to the rules, deities cannot speak too much to humans, so after speaking with the girl and Zhu Bajie, I leave with Huian on the clouds. We make even more special effects when we leave. Our effects aren't made cheap. Those cultivating beasts all go back to their home. Only humans gathered around the Gao village are still there. All of them are popping their head and try to see things inside. They want to see the respected and honorable face of the future Xian.

This girl who is contaminated by a yokai and who has debased the Gaos will from now on become a living deity for everyone.

As such, I have solved the incident.

Of course, I and Huian will not fly fast or far. We are still waiting for that monkey to thank us.

As expected, not long after we left the Gao village, Sun Wukong catches up with us and salutes formally to me: 'Old Sun thanks bodhisattva. Bodhisattva, you are full of mercy and you save people...'

I interrupt him: 'Cut the crap.'

I stretch out my arms and open my palms at him to make a you-owe-me posture.

Sun Wukong scratches his head and says confusedly: 'Bodhisattva, what does this mean?'

I say: 'What a hapless child you are? Where is that baby fox? I have told you that his idiot mom is going to get him back.'

Sun Wukong is shocked, and he looks around. He is so anxious that he almost scratches blood out of his head: 'I, I forgot it!'

He pauses and holds his golden cudgel tight: 'I was too busy to save people and I don't know where I left that baby fox!'


Didn't I tell you? This family of fox have become good friends with our Huian. You lost one?

Sun Wukong is anxious, and he tumbles. After one Jing Dou Cloud, he disappears, and his voice remains in the air:

'Wait for me, bodhisattva! I Old Sun will find that baby fox even if I have to turn over four seas and eight wilds!'