Did I Sleep Through the Peach Banquet?

I hurry to Sun Wukong and stop his cudgel from hitting others anxiously: 'What's wrong?'

Sun Wukong stretches his arm and points at Lingji angrily: 'He said that he dreamed that Huian Xingzhe took the things away and he asked me to go to Huian Xingzhe! I met many deities who are buck-passing, but he is the first one who uses such an absurd excuse! I have never seen such a shameless deity!'

'I Old Sun did not have a justice background and it is fine that he detests me, but as long as I am living, no one can frame the disciple of Guanyin bodhisattva! Just watch and I will beat him first!' After that, he gnashes his teeth and is going to hit Lingji.


Possibly when Huian came to ask him when he was asleep: Lingji bodhisattva, can I borrow your treasures?

Then, he remembers it based on the voice impression.

Although Lingji has a high cultivation, he will never fight others right away which will make him seem uneducated. Because he has been chased and hit by Sun Wukong for a while, he also says angrily: 'What a disobedient monkey you are! Who are you to talk about my dream? Can't you think that Guanyin bodhisattva could have taught a method to Huian to enter dreams so that he could ask me in my dream!'

Sun Wukong picks up his cudgel and is going to hit him again: 'Then, why didn't you say it at first? You said it just now and you must want to frame Huian Xingzhe to clean yourself! You can detest me but how dare you to frame Guanyin bodhisattva! I will kill you!'

Lingji is being pointed at his head by this disobedient monkey who he detests so he is not happy either. Although he is a nice guy, but he doesn't have a good temper when he just woke up. He immediately decides to break the precepts to fight this annoying monkey once: 'Who will remember what happened in the dream? Everyone only remembers a blurry image! If I am not also willing to help the Golden Cicada, I will not be talking with you about these!'

Sun Wukong says: 'I asked you to surrender that yokai who should be watched by you and I didn't ask you to talk about what dream you had! You have been ordered by Buddha to watch a monster, but you were sleeping here and let that monster eat humans! From my perspective, you are not a good guy!'

They are going to fight so I have no choice but to speak loudly: 'Enough!'

'First, it is true that my disciple has taken away the two treasures.'

I cannot tell Sun Wukong the truth because he will go after Huian. Huian is not a well-behaved child either and things will go wrong if they fight. I am partial, so I just lie: 'Huian knows that you have difficulty so he borrows the treasures ahead. Who knows that when he came back to Nanhai, you just asked me to go with you to the Little Sumeru Mountain that we missed each other. I can give you the treasures right now.'

Amitabha. Buddhists do not lie. I have saved the world for several times. One lie should not result in a Heavenly Thunder on me...

'Second, Lingji you must have been silly after your dream. I don't even know how to enter dreams so how could I teach it to my disciple? Anyway, I have found the Wind-freezing Pearl and the Flying-dragon Staff. Wukong, if you want to save your shifu, just come and take these first!'

Sun Wukong with his cudgel in his hands, looks at me and then at Lingji. Obviously, he thinks I am covering up for Lingjie but he doesn't want to lose my face, so he just takes the Wind-freezing Pearl and the Flying-dragon Staff, turning around, leaving.

Before he could leave, Lingji says again: 'You are just a monkey yokai. Do you even know how to use the Buddhist tresures?! Don't damage them!'

There has been a great anger in Sun Wukong's body and Lingji is poking his pain again. He suddenly turns around and thuds his golden cudgel on the ground. An enormous noise comes from the ground and his cudgel has been thudded into the ground. Cracks and fissures appear on the nearby bricks. They quickly spread and form a radiative shape.

'I am a monkey, but I am the monkey who made havoc in the Jade Emperor's Lingxiao Palace several times! When Old Sun was surrendering dragons and taming tigers, making havoc in Heaven, and stealing the Heavenly Peaches, you were fucking sleeping in a corner of nowhere!'


Good good good. He is talking about his glorious past again.

This monkey never changes his personality and Lingji acts like a snob as well. When they get together, it is light a firework meeting a lighter.

I thought his words would have annoyed Lingji and Lingji would not give a shit. Unexpectedly, Lingji's face becomes pale and he is shocked. He painfully steps back twice and glares his eyes big. He puts one hand on his chest and pulls my sleeve stuttering: 'Did I sleep through the Peach Banquet?'


Again, he looks at me with hope and sadness: 'Did the Mother Queen of the West send me a few peaches? Did my Little Sumeru Mountain have some storage of it?'

I: '...'

Hearing that, Sun Wukong bursts out his laugh at the sky as he holds his cudgel in his arms for a while. Then he says: 'All the good-looking peaches in the Heavenly Peach Grove have been eaten by me Old Sun! Let alone having one for you! You will not even be able to see any of them!'

Lingji glares his eyes big out of shock as if he was having a heart stroke. He cannot keep the balance of his body and he staggers two steps. He almost falls to the ground and faints. Lingji chokes with sobs: 'In order to cultivate, I have been a vegetarian for thousands of years. There was a chance to have a tasty vegetarian meal and I slept through it?' As he is speaking, he points at Sun Wukong angrily with his trembling arm: 'This disobedient monkey born from nowhere ate them all?'


Lingji bodhisattva, please save some positive karma from your mouth. Even if you are a fake one, you need to watch your status as well.

I sense that Sun Wukong is going to get mad again. I hurry to say: 'Sun Wukong, are you really going to save your shifu?'

Sun Wukong turns around and leaves with the treasures in his hands. While he is walking, he is also muttering: 'Just wait for me here and I will hit and break your bald head...'

I watch Sun Wukong tumbling and riding the clouds away. I think that this thing is solved. If he cannot get there on time, it shouldn't be my fault either. May the Golden Cicada die early so he can reincarnate early as well so I don't have to—

Before I could imagine how happy I would be after he died, a sudden coldness strikes me again. I almost couldn't breathe because of the tinnitus occurs in my ears again. I hear the crying of the little monk: 'Guanyin sister, I am going to die for real this time. That yokai is pulling off my clothes! He has a knife in his hands with a pot ready aside!'


Please don't live stream such a scene to me!

I think and think. I recall our old relationship which he didn't eat, drink, or go to restroom in order to argue against me under my lotus seat. I should go to save him. Thus, I ride on the clouds and head to the base of the Yellow Wind Demon as well.

However, when I just stand on the clouds, a coldness strikes me again and I almost fall to the ground. The little monk is crying softly, and he is choking as well: 'The water is boiling! Bubbles are coming up!'

...Do you really need to tell me this?