The Meaning of Friendship

Another week passed slowly. Neuf had been working hard with the tech team to keep tabs on Richard, Brandon and Boris. So far, there were no suspicious movements. In fact, Brandon hasn't even seen Richard once ever since Richard returned home. It was strange and Otta couldn't help but think that there was some other agenda that Brandon wanted Richard home. If he wanted to use Richard's knowledge of Roomscape, why was he keeping Richard under house arrest?

Jeffer found it strange too. As such, he went off to do some undercover work, leaving his work to Kalissa for the week.

While Otta moped around for that week, the others didn't remain idle. Cameron took on the role of the leader in the special project of recovering Richard. He had Neuf continue to search for leads on Richard, Brandon, Boris and Clarkson Inc while Venus was to find information about any events that Brandon would be attending. They were going to follow Khan's plan to visit Richard and ask him what's going on but they weren't going in unprepared.

"How's the tracker and the hidden mic?" Cameron asked.

The hacker grinned and gave him a thumbs-up. "Everything going as planned. I've managed to plant a few chips around the area too. I have some in Brandon's office for a while now but nothing interesting is happening. It's as if Brandon has forgotten about Richard."

Cameron sighed. It was strange, way too strange.

"Thanks, keep it up. Should there be any information, please let me know. I believe Jeff is digging into the partnership projects for research between Clarkson Inc and the various scientist guilds. He sent me a text yesterday saying that the medical companies acquired by Clarkson Inc were working on some new kind of drug that will allow brainwaves to control mechanical cells in a person's body."

Neuf grimaced. That sounded creepy and painful. Mechanical cells sounded like something from a bad science fiction novel. Then again, he won't put it past someone as insane as Brandon Clarkson to try it. It wasn't against the law but testing had to be painful.

Speaking of testing...

"Do you think this is the reason why Richard had to go back?"

"The testing?"

Neuf nodded. "For some reason, I can't help but shake off the feeling that Brandon wants something out of Richard and that it is related to FLS. Could it be something that Richard has done here that Brandon wants but couldn't get? Do you think Richard left voluntarily instead of getting threatened?"

Cameron considered it. There was a possibility but they didn't know for sure since nobody knew the contents of that letter. The only way to understand what's happening was to ask the person who was missing.

"I guess we'll find out tonight when Otta goes over."

Neuf shrugged. They'd done what they could and now, it was up to Otta.


Brandon was impressed. Richard was behaving obediently. He might have to give Boris a pay raise. Whatever he wrote in that letter was very effective. Richard didn't even attempt to leave the house but Brandon didn't know what was going through his son's mind. He thought that by playing it out and waiting, Richard would crack and reveal his true intentions. Apparently, he'd severely underestimated Richard's tenacity.

"You called, sir?"

"Just the right time, Boris. What did you write in that letter? Richard has been very quiet lately."

The butler-assistant bowed. "I simply stated that you wanted him back home and that we were curious if he was dating his business partner. I did hint that we were interested in the company and he might have seen it as a threat."

Brandon smirked. Boris was good. It was true that they were both interested in Richard's love life and company. However, what they wanted was something completely different. They only needed him home so that Otta would come. Richard was the bait. It took two hands to clap like two partners to create a miracle. Brandon was no fool. His dream could only come true if he had both of them in his hands.

"Sir, Ms Olley has requested to visit young master Richard. What do you wish to do?"

Brandon smirked. "Set a date, Richard and I will be meeting her over tea. I heard that she started the dungeon business because she wanted to eat fried chicken. Is that true?"

Boris nodded. "It may seem unbelievable but it was what she mentioned during an interview. I wouldn't doubt it because Otta Olley is known to be eccentric."

Brandon chuckled. Who knew that monopolising chickens would work in his benefit? "Set a date, I would like to meet with this young lady. Richard must be wondering by now why he was called back. Don't make them wait too long."

"Yes, sir."


"He agreed?" Jeffer couldn't believe what he was hearing. Brandon Clarkson didn't meet with people often. Not even Venus was able to get ahold of any information. Cameron couldn't help but feel worried. Despite all their preparations, he was still worried. Brandon may not wish bodily harm upon Richard and Otta but when it came to playing mind games, nobody could win him.

"I'll be careful. I won't recklessly agree to anything he says."

"I'm only afraid that he is determined to get hold of FLS no matter what," Cameron pointed out.

Otta didn't say anything. She had a similar hunch. If FLS was truly what Brandon wanted, having only Richard isn't going to work. As long as Otta refuse to let go of it, Brandon would be unable to do anything. It was a trap. However, if Brandon thought that he could win this game, he would be sorely mistaken. Otta isn't afraid of undertaking challenges.

"Actually, I have a crazy idea but I'm not sure if everyone here would be willing to participate..." Otta grinned.

Venus had a bad feeling when Otta said that. The last time Otta had that expression, Black Penguin suffered. On the other hand, this was a genius Otta moment. As crazy as it sounded, Otta's ideas usually worked with some tweaking. Usually, the person to put a limiter to the level of insanity was Richard. Now that he wasn't here, Venus wasn't sure if they could pull it off.

"If it is something that we can do, I'm sure we will do it. Everyone wants Richard back," Khan spoke up. Still, it didn't help ease the tension in some people.

"Cameron, I'll need your help to draft the legal agreement. If Brandon wants FLS, he can have it."

"What?!" Neuf screamed, shocking everyone. The hacker hardly lost his cool. Now, he was red with anger.

"How could you say that so easily! FLS may be your company to for me, it is my home!"

Otta understood only too well what Neuf was talking about. Over the past year of working together, FLS become more of a family and less of a company. They shared many good and bad moments together. It wasn't uncommon for any of her employees to crash over at her apartment. Workstation was an app that allowed anyone to discuss anything freely and many employees were unofficial members of various departments.

Moona and Mark had taken in Kalissa as their unofficial apprentice, teaching the girl about digital art. Kalissa was finally able to fulfil her dream of becoming an artist. With her knowledge in math, she was a great help in rendering animations. Louis often hung out with the beta team for more ideas. Even Mina and Molly showed some interest in learning how to code. Otta felt blessed for having so many good friends.

"I know that. That's why I said it's a crazy idea but hear me out. FLS is just a company on paper. I can hand over FLS the company but I'll never hand over my friends! After Clarkson Inc acquires this company, you will all be free to leave. I'm sure Brandon will offer an insane amount of money, we'll be sharing that amount equally. I will get Richard back. The terms of the contract for selling FLS over to Clarkson Inc may include the employees and all data that we have. It doesn't specify personal knowledge or the choices of the employees after the handover."

Khan blinked. "But we have workstation and dungeons that run on... oh wait. Everything owned on our personal phones and laptops are personal, right?"

Otta nodded, the smile on her face grew wider.

"And the dungeons are hosted on servers owned by PJP our scientist guild partner..." Neuf added, his eyes brightening.

"Not to mention all our beta testers belong to Black Penguin or PJP. We don't own anything under FLS. Otta's apartment belongs to her." Venus chuckled.

For once, Cameron didn't feel like fighting with Venus. Otta was brilliant!

"Will everyone be leaving?" Kalissa blinked.

"I don't know about the others but it's a personal choice to make," Khan explained. "However, I won't be staying."

Venus sighed. "I'm not interested in working for someone other than Otta."

"Richard was the only reason why I joined FLS. If he's not here, I won't be staying." Neuf decided.

Cameron shrugged. "I have enough savings to start my own business now."

The girl smiled. "But if I leave, I won't have anywhere to go."

"That's easy!" Jeff giggled. "Dr Whitestone can use your talent. I'm sure Otta will appreciate the company here too. Otherwise, you can always tag along with me. We're in the same team after all."

She made a face. "Your company is weird. I don't like the sun. I think I'll freelance for Dr Whitestone after all."

Everyone laughed when Jeffer moaned in mock disappointment. Otta smiled. She really did have good friends.


"Richard! Oh gosh, you look horrible," Otta grimaced.

The programmer deadpanned. On the inside, he was glad to see the red-head but because Brandon was around, he couldn't.

"Nice to see you, Otta."

Otta was puzzled at Richard's lack of enthusiasm. Normally, he would have insulted her but today he was being nice and honestly, it was a little creepy.

"Welcome, Otta and Richard," a voice greeted.

That grabbed both their attention and the red-head raised a brow. The old man in a wheelchair was Brandon Clarkson aka Richard's father? He didn't seem scary like what Cameron described. Then again, one shouldn't judge a book by the cover. Otta approached cautiously, carrying herself with as much professionalism as she could. However, it was easy to see just how nervous and socially awkward she was.

Brandon didn't make any comments and played the part of a hospitable host perfectly. Richard was observing Brandon just like how Brandon was observing them. Otta wasn't very good at playing mind games so she got straight to the point.

"Mr Clarkson, sorry to interrupt but I don't think I've come to enjoy tea today."

Brandon was amused. It was extremely rare to see someone be so blunt. However, it was a refreshing change and the wheelchair-bound CEO welcomed it. He was offended but he was curious. What was it about Otta that made Richard fall for her? Sure, she had her charms but Richard wasn't someone who could easily open his heart. The child was jaded since a young age and he knew that it took more than just an openly honest fool to win his heart.

"Fair enough. I suppose we can get straight to the point. What is it that you've come for today? I believe the one requesting this meeting was you."

Otta frowned. Cameron and Jeffer had warned her about this. It was a good thing Neuf made her wear a small hearing piece in her left ear and a camera with recording function hidden in her hair tie.

[Ask him why he is keeping Richard under house arrest.]

"Why are you holding Richard here against his will?"

Brandon blinked. When he thought that Otta was a straightforward person, he didn't think she would throw a fastball. He was beginning to see why Richard was charmed by her. The young lady before him was a box of surprises and even Brandon found himself curious about what she would do next.

"What if I told you that I kept him here to lure you out?"

Otta frowned. Brandon was up to something and he could be lying. She waited for someone to tell her something over the earpiece but nobody said anything. They must be equally stumped.

"I don't believe you," she settled on it. Richard mentally sighed in relief. Otta must have guessed his father's motive from the very start. With the informant team, it wouldn't be possible for them not to try figure out what was going on.

"I don't blame you," Brandon smiled disarmingly. Otta knew why Cameron repeatedly cautioned her about the sly fox in front of her. He was dangerous in a different way.

"Why?" Otta demanded. She didn't like the game he was playing. They were going in circles and wasting time.

"Why indeed..." Brandon smiled. Otta was confused but she kept her calm. After all, Richard was beside her. When they were together, nobody can stop them. She had faith that her partner hasn't betrayed her.

"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. However, I will be taking Richard back with me."

Otta got up and grabbed Richard by the arm, ready to leave when Boris blocked them.

"Please take a seat, the master hasn't finished talking."

Otta glared at the tall butler. She was intimidated and her grip on Richard's arm tightened.

"I apologise Ms Olley," Brandon smiled. "I didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive this old man for being curious about you. My son doesn't trust people easily and I've heard rumours that the both of you were dating."

Otta was stunned. "You couldn't ask us that normally? Do you know how much inconvenience you've caused us by keeping Richard away?"

Brandon didn't look apologetic. In fact, he looked interested.

"I sincerely apologise about that. However, I believe it was necessary. You see, I'm very interested in that new dungeon project you're working on. It is in line with my current research and I wish to acquire that technology that you have."

Now that Brandon had laid down his cards, Otta couldn't back out. Calmly she took her seat once more and looked straight into Brandon's eyes.

"I'm afraid you'll need to be more specific about the research you are doing. I have no reason to collaborate with you after what you've done."

Faking disappointment, Brandon sighed heavily. "It's regrettable. I thought we were on the same page after all. You were looking into making a dungeon to give the disabled an experience of the normal life but I heard PJP shot it down. If only you had better backers, that dream would've been able to come true."

"Human testing is against the law so we couldn't proceed," Richard spoke up for the first time. Otta nearly fell into Brandon's trap. She still wanted to give that idea a go but Richard was right. It was too risky.

"Richard, this has always been your flaw. Why can't you see the potential of this? It is revolutionary! Which is the reason why I wanted to discuss a partnership with the young lady here. She sees things that you can never see."

Richard knew that it was merely an attempt to gain a reaction from him but it worked anyway. He'd always known that his biggest flaw was to be unable to see beyond the limits of science and logic. Otta was always better than him. She could pave a new world or create one that nobody has seen before. He was merely her hands to carve that vision into a reality. While Richard kept telling himself that it was because of him that FLS could become what it was today, the truth was that it didn't have to be him. As long as there was someone who could code, Otta would've succeeded either way. He needed Otta, not the other way around.

[Don't fall for it, Otta. Whatever it is, stick to the plan.]

Otta wasn't fooled. She came prepared.

"I'm afraid you have a misunderstanding, Mr Clarkson. I want to push the boundaries of technology for a better life for the society. However, I'm not someone who would resort to such dirty tricks to get what they want."

Brandon's smile grew cold. "Is that so? It's a pity that we aren't able to see eye to eye. I thought that we could come to an agreement for a partnership but since you're so adamant about it, I guess I'll have to resort to those dirty tricks that you dislike so much. Richard will not be leaving this place."

[That son of a...]

Otta didn't listen to Jeff. She was ready to give the infuriating old man a piece of her mind.

"Richard is not a thing, he can do as he pleases."

Richard was frozen when Brandon turned to look at him. "Of course. He is free to leave. However, bad things will start happening. Don't say that I didn't warn you."

Otta was unfazed. Cameron had predicted that when pushed into a corner and unable to reason with people, Brandon might resort to threats. Still, she was firm in her decision. Richard was pulled along like a rag doll on a string as Otta stomped off.

Brandon was amused but his eyes were cold and calculating. Once they were gone, Brandon let the facade drop. He was livid. If Otta thought that she could create yet another miracle in the face of an overwhelming power, she was wrong. Even if they couldn't get to FLS, they could get to the people around them. PJP's director is a logical man. With a bit of pressure, FLS will be crippled from the inside.


"What are you doing? Let go!"

Otta didn't stop nor did she slow down. The only thing on her mind was to put as much distance between them and the mansion. Venus was already waiting for them a few streets away in a car. The plan went smoothly and Otta couldn't wait to fill Richard in on their plans.

Once they got in Venus' car, Otta slapped Richard.

The programmer was stunned. Speechless, he cradled his stinging cheek and stared at Otta wide-eyed.

"You idiot! Why didn't you tell us anything? Did you think you could handle him on your own? I almost peed in my pants back there!"

Richard blinked and Venus pretended that there wasn't an arguing couple at the back of her car. Feeling his anger rise, he yelled back.

"What could you have done if I told you that he was trying to destroy FLS? Were you going to waltz in there like you did today to give him a tongue lashing? Did you think that's going to work? He's still going to come after us!"

Otta glared at her partner. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious. In case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly helping to find a way to stop it. All you did was make us worry and stall the progress for our newest dungeon. Molly had to apologise to our customers because we couldn't launch the newest dungeon on time!"

Richard gaped. He was sure that he left everything to the tech team. Even if they didn't know what to do, he trusted that Otta wouldn't let such a thing happen. What's going on?

Seeing Richard's dumb expression, Otta couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my... you should've seen the look on your face."

"How did you let it get so bad? I'd arranged for everything to progress smoothly, the tech team should not have a problem with the new release..."

Otta raised a brow. "Do you seriously think that FLS can run without you? Every single person in FLS is important. I don't care what your excuse is but you were wrong to ditch us. Who's going to cover for you? Stop running away and slacking, partner. Even if the world ended, I wouldn't let you go. We started FLS together, we'll be there together when it ends as well."

Speechless, Richard tried to understand what Otta was implying.

"Yes, dummy. We're selling FLS to your father but on some terms. Cameron has prepared the contract. Today's mission was to get you back and recover our strength. Friends don't leave friends behind. FLS is like a family, we take care of our own. You're no exception. Now take some responsibility and help us refine our battle strategy, commander."

"Commander? I should be General!"

Otta smacked him on the arm playfully. "You defected and still expect to keep your rank? Be thankful that demoting you is the only consequence of your action!"

Venus smiled as the two bickered in the back seat of the car all the way until they returned to Otta's familiar apartment. It might be cramped but they somehow managed to gather everyone in it. Richard was in for a surprise when he knows that he was attending FLS's first face-to-face HQ meeting.