I will Be There

A deep frown was etched on Li Feng's brows when he received a text message from Chuan Nayi. Since they first exchanged numbers, the last conversation they had was about the bracelet wards. However, she was now asking to meet him tonight after dinner.

Li Yunru came to the couch with a bowl of fruits for them to snack on. After she settled in, she leaned towards Li Feng's head and read the message that Li Feng had been staring at for a long while. She then pulled back and leaned against the chair, picking a slice of apple and biting it off of the decorative toothpick.

"Why aren't you saying yes? You used to like her, right?"

Li Feng dragged his gaze from the phone to her face. He kept the frown on though. "Erm, yes, but… I don't think I should go now. I mean, I don't really have anything to talk about with her… especially after dark."