Know the Child

A frown came from Ruan Jin. Li Feng's scary father had also been infected by Guangru? Was that related to the injury that he sustained from that night? To think about it, he hadn't gone to see Li Feng's father again… it's not like he should anyway.

Ruan Jin sucked in air loudly before he hissed. He needed to deal with his mother's safety first before thinking about Li Feng's affairs really. Liu Xiaodan was on a higher priority, too, but it was Ruan Jin's mother they're talking about here. He couldn't just dump her on Officer Yu and get away with it.

He could toss people at other people, but not his very own mother.

"That house you mentioned..." Li Feng's voice went through again, and Ruan Jin had a bad feeling about it. "Have you seen what you wanted? I'll pay for the downpayment."

"Shit..." Ruan Jin then laughed out. Damn, rich people.