Missy and the Young Master

A strange smile tore Wu Zhong's lips into a wide grin. With his eyes shining brightly and menacingly, he quickly instructed the maid—even disturbing the others: "Go and fetch your Missy! I'll see her in the lounge after getting into my suit. Be sure to provide the best!"

"Missy?" The maid was shocked, but she quickly moved. They never had a young mistress, not to mention a Missy. The Master had indeed brought awfully younger women here before, but they were never worth anything to the Wu family. Now… their master was talking about a Missy?

"The Master is laughing so loud! What kind of joke did you tell him?!" The household matron caught up with the maid and almost berated her for sending their master into another lunatic episode. The few times, he was celebrating about this project; this time, it was from what the maid should have said.

"Uh, he said I should fetch and attend to Missy?"