A Red Walkie-Talkie

Liu Xiaodan's brain froze for seconds before he tried to process what Guangru had said again. He then frowned and spoke with difficulty because of the belt on his mouth. "What do you mean… Mama's here? There's no way Nayi would be here. She… she's in the hospital… or not… but she's living her life happily out there..."

Guangru shook his head. "Tap into Big Brother Feng, Baba. I saw her, and I spoke to her. She's in that place next to this Treatment Hall, the Lodging Hall."

"Tap into Li Feng? He's also here?" Upon receiving Guangru's nodding, Liu Xiaodan felt like he couldn't breathe. He was scared to tap into Li Feng's vision and see the face of his first love. It's because… he looked down at himself and stared at the multiple belts holding him against the human-shaped bed. "...no, I don't want to be seen like this. Guangru, since they're here… can you make sure that they will never step inside this hall?"