By Far the Most Interesting

Wu Qianqian trembled at the sight of her husband. She didn't really work with make-up since she was poor growing up. Even if Li Heilong offered to help, the most her mother accepted was a job under one of the subsidiaries of the Li Enterprise. That was why she barely had any knowledge of it; neither did she need it to look beautiful compared to most girls in their city.

A sigh came from Liu Li's smiling lips. He then walked closer and helped her in reducing the redness of the lipstick. "Xiao Qian, you don't need to be so nervous. The Mian family and the Li family will help us get Liu Xiaodan out of that place. Don't worry about it. One day, he will come home with us and even have Nayi and Guangru with him." He spoke so casually that he forgot something.