Cope with the Terror

The ghost was troubled indeed. It was hungry and wanted to eat fear. With its minuscule strength, it could only feed on negative energy—unlike the rest who could digest blood. He wanted to scared Liu Xiaodan, but the peculiar man was not even scared to hold his hand. It was very troubling… and awkward.

Liu Xiaodan felt the same awkwardness since the ghost looked like it was going to cry. He let go of the man's hand and turned away. If the ghost couldn't speak, then he could not help it. It could follow him around if it wanted, but he wouldn't stay longer than necessary. The father left the broken-willed ghost on its own in the hallway.

"Baba, don't be so rude to ghosts. You're stepping on their pride." Guangru giggled as they arrived at a lower floor. He knew what exactly the ghost was doing, but it couldn't even move after being defeated twice. It was just a small-time ghost that depended on the scare. It just wasn't a match to Liu Xiaodan.