Circus of a Family

"Damn, there's a demon in the backseat. Eat it." Li Feng still felt so indignant about being called 'Big Brother' by entities. He didn't even want to be responsible for anyone before even if he wanted to save people. Killing entities and purifying places were very different from raising someone and teaching them what to do and what not to.

Too bad he was now a big brother to Liu Xiaodan and his friends. Yes, he was Liu Xiaodan's big brother; he would never call Liu Xiaodan 'Baba' like those that call him 'Big Brother'. Then again, he didn't know that not all friends call Liu Xiaodan their father… yet, he was still their big brother. Perhaps the only exception was Old Xiong who was a rather old spirit.

The woman actually twitched when her existence was mentioned. She felt that something was on Li Feng's lap, but she couldn't feel any hostility from it.