Announcement of the Dead

Day 3: 2:50 P.M

Osaka Streets: Kyosei's Base: Living Room/Lounge

Food Supply lasts for: 2 weeks

Water Supply: Lasts for 5 weeks

Fuel supply: Too Small

Medicine Supply: Plenty

Ammunition list:

SMG bullets: 15 boxes

Assault Rifle: 21 boxes

Shotgun: 250 shells

Sniper Rifle: 40 boxes

Pistol: 50 boxes

Revolver: 2 boxes

Grenades: 25 pieces left

Time before the Night Rage: 3 hours and 10 minutes left


Everyone got startled due to Kyosei's sudden action. It can be said that Kyosei is always calm and he still looks calm despite being angry but they have seen Kyosei get angry right now. He is gritting his teeth and more than that, he is emitting a killing intent that the girls around him felt the heavy feeling emanating from him.

"Kyosei, calm down," Miyuki said.

"F*cking nerds! They sacrificed countless of lives just for the sake of culturing a virus that is thrashing some sh*t on us? And they call it achievement? That is bullshit! I swear I will kill them all! They even did it to an innocent girl! They are worse than demons!" Kyosei gritted his teeth.

Nanami and Miyuki got silent while Chie and Cindy are confused. Cindy was really curious so she whispered on Miyuki.

"What is going on with him? Why did he snapped when he finished reading the document?" Cindy asked while whispering.

"Its natural you did not know. We are his friends before he became a delinquent and this things happened. Kyosei once have a little sister that he cared so much. However, she was diagnosed to have a heart disease that is currently not curable causing her to stay in the hospital for most of the time. Then one day, the doctors said that they found a cure and can cure her disease though they needed to experiment it

to her since she is the first patient that will undergo that treatment. And since his parents are desperate, they did the treatment, however, it failed miserably and resulting to his sister's death which caused their despair. Kyosei blamed the doctors on this but they turned a blind eye causing him to get too angry, but since he is still not a delinquent that time, he did not act like now. Maybe it is due to that incident that made Kyosei like this right now," Miyuki answered.

Cindy did not expect that Kyosei have a dark past like that. She thought that Kyosei just have despise the cause of the outbreak but it seems to be not the case.

Kyosei goes to the kitchen to get a water bottle and drank its contents. He felt troubled. He wanted to vent out his anger, however, Kyosei knew that it won't do any good if he didn't calm down. This is something he doesn't need to get angry about.

Nanami arrived and looked at Kyosei.

"What should we do about the information?" Nanami scratched her head.

"I guess we need to reveal it to them. There is no point on hiding it since it with get leaked sooner or later. We just needed to reveal it right now," Kyosei said.

"It might cause panic to the group. They have just settled down and the outbreak have just begun. If they know this critical information, it might cause the others to have doubts to their safety!" Nanami exclaimed.

"Its better than that than to hide the truth. We are human beings, we seek the truth and they should to. They needed to know who are the enemies and those that are potential enemies. We are not going to seal this secret forever. This will also escalate our chances to find a cure," Kyosei rebutted.

"...Sigh. Alright, you are the leader, let's do it now while it is still early and not yet the peak of the attack," Nanami sighed deeply. She cannot change what Kyosei is set to do.


Day 3: 3:00 P.M

Osaka Streets: Kyosei's Base: Living Room/Lounge

Food Supply lasts for: 2 weeks

Water Supply: Lasts for 5 weeks

Fuel supply: Too Small

Medicine Supply: Plenty

Ammunition list:

SMG bullets: 15 boxes

Assault Rifle: 21 boxes

Shotgun: 250 shells

Sniper Rifle: 40 boxes

Pistol: 50 boxes

Revolver: 2 boxes

Grenades: 25 pieces left

Time before the Night Rage: 3 hours left


The group gathered around the lounge. Everyone has the anxiousness on their faces. They are anxious on the announcement that Kyosei and Nanami are going to say. For some reason, they felt something deep but cannot comprehend what it is. They have seen Kyosei's serious face and it is not the same relaxed seriousness that Kyosei usually show.

"Alright, everyone is assembled here so that we can now announce something. I know everyone of you are still thinking about the cause of the virus," Kyosei started. Many of them nodded in response as they have no idea on the cause of the outbreak and not a single article or news is leaked about the outbreak cause.

"Today, we managed to contact a few hackers who are fellow survivors of the outbreak. They hacked the government files on something relevant to the outbreak and they managed to dug up the truth," Kyosei said before he gestured to Nanami to show the document and the video of the experiment. The video that was attached by the first file that Kyosei have seen before is the exact scenes of the log that he read before. They watched it and soon they realized that something was amiss. When the guy that got experimented died and raised back from the dead, many quickly speculated.

"Sh*t, is this the beginning of the outbreak?!" Rin shook her sister Ren.

"Stop shaking me..."

The others wore some confused reaction and some still remain composure. When the video stopped, everyone was silent and Kyosei took over.

"What you just saw is one of the experiments that got failed under the influence of study to the virus that is called Virus Galea. We have no idea on what this virus is or how it transmit to other victims. The only thing we knew is that the virus seems to be transmitted through saliva, blood and bitten directly from an infected individual. What are your thoughts about it?" Kyosei looked at everyone.

"Is this real?" Okabe frowned.

"All of it is real. It is all f*cking real," Kyosei's face turned grim.

"So this is what you want to announce to us?" Nathalie stood up. She understand Kyosei's words now due to her study of Japanese for the past days and with the help of Cindy, she can fluently understand and say Japanese. She is a genius.

"Yes. I know everyone is worried about their families and loved ones that are separated from you all. But we need knowledge to know that this Virus is destroying our world. I decided to show this log to everyone. This is due to the fact that the dead is not the only enemy of humanity, the scientists who practically produced this abomination virus also did contribute to the extinction of the humanity. I am saying that we need to work together, repel the dead and stop the scientists from doing human experimentation," Kyosei said.

The group riled up.

"F*ck them! Who do they think they are to toy with human life?!"

"If I meet them, I won't hesitate to put a bullet in their brains!"


Everyone riled up. Kyosei nodded and gestured everyone to quiet down.

"Okay, I have a proposal. I will lead this group and help everyone to prosper. I will train you all to become hard humans that won't hesitate to kill if necessary and survive. If anyone agrees, then tap your shoe to the floor. If anyone do not agree, just go back to your work," Kyosei said.

Everyone are silent. Suddenly, Miyuki tapped her shoe, followed by Nanami, Cindy and Chie. Souichi grinned and also tap his shoes. The others also begin to tap their shoe. In just a few moments, everyone are tapping their shoes to the ground and the sound seems similar to those soldiers that are marching from the military song.

Kyosei nodded and looked at everyone.

"Alright then, I will announce that from today onwards, we are called the Blood Battalion"