The Deadly Little Savage Part 1

Day 10: 5:37 P.M

Osaka Streets

Melee: Brass Knuckles, Wakizashi, Kitchen Cleaver(Repaired and Enhanced), Piyavka Sickle

Guns: AR15(Scope and Suppressor attached) Colt 45, Beretta M9 Pistol, Hunting Shotgun

(Kyosei's View)

It was considered as a miracle for me to be able to escape from the cultist members as I drive the road. The cultists have not pursued me after my escape to their "Hunting Grounds" which maybe due to the upcoming Night Rage that they don't have to bother on capturing me which is a plus point for me already. I checked the little boy and he is still as emotionless without even showing the tiniest shred of emotion except the blank look on his face. Since we are out of danger, I decided to start the interview of this fella.

"Hey kid, we finally got rid of our pursuers so you can start showing some emotion on your face.