The Dead Nightmares Part 4

Day 11: 3:15 P.M

Osaka: Shitennoji Gakuen Junior and Senior High School: Stairs to 3rd Floor

Melee: Battered Baseball Bat, Kitchen Knife, Wakizashi

Guns: None

(Aika's View)

What was that?! What the hell was that?! There is no way we will be able to kill it! That monster is a creature from the movies! There is no way it exist!

My legs are trembling while my hands are gripping the katana tightly. The abominations that he call Stalkers are nowhere terrifying as that monster!

But he was left behind on the third floor battling against that monster! I can't just abandon him and run!

My mind keeps on saying to move and make a step forward but my legs refuse to take a single step. Is it going to repeat again? Is it going to be another bloodshed I can possibly stop but because of my fear, it will repeat again? Will someone die because of my indecisiveness?