The Dead, the Human Survivors, and the Gangs Part 2

Day 312: 12:25 P.M

(Kyosei's View)

Right now, the kitchen is getting crowded with the members of SDF as well as my companions before we merged with the former SDF. To avoid losing any kind of surveillance outside, our defensive outposts, the guards all shift on eating lunch. It's also a good idea to avoid overcrowding the kitchen.

The current waitresses serving food are the girls, Sakura, Chihaya, Mirai, and Penelope. They were quick with their jobs, quickly adapting to the job. Since they can't fight against the dead and has barely any training, they are contributing their parts by assisting the kitchen staff. I was going to return the tray of dishes when I heard the loud voice of Mr.Tanaka.

"Hey, you dipshits, stop crowding on the counter and get a move on! I know that you guys are all attracted to these girls but be mindful that the people on the line are also getting hungry! Stop dawdling you all and move once you get the food already!"