Hunting the Gangsters Until They Are Dead Part 3

There are many supplies in the warehouse and none of them are going into bad condition and spoilage; in fact, they are fresh and good to be stored for a few months or years if handled properly. However, these goods that were supposed to be a source of food and nutrients by the survivors who settled inside a convenience store ended up in the hands of the gangsters who ran amok inside their base and murdered every last survivor.

"Hahaha! Looks like we hit a big-time loot boys!" The burly guy who is leading them said as he looks around the crates and boxes filled with different supplies.

"Boss! There is also lots of booze here and they are either inside the can or bottle!"

"Ey! That is pretty nice indeed! Gather them up, pile them to the truck, and get this placed burned! Get working now boys!"

"You got it, boss!"