(Side Story) Epilogue of Arc 5

"Dad... I am sorry for disobeying you... I-I just wanted...to help you..."

"Hush, baby everything will be alright. Everything will be okay, daddy is here. You don't have to be sorry."

"Dad...even though...I am gone in this world *cough*,  I want you to at least live...for...for my sake. I don't want you to wallow in... despair...like how you do...when mom died 2 years ago... I wish you happiness..."

"Baby, please, don't go. You are my only daughter and the only reason I still keep on living in this hell of a world we live in. Don't give up now, I will make sure you will survive this," I frantically said as I started carrying her to the car despite the amount of blood pouring down her body down to my arms that are holding her body that is slowly turning cold as time went on.

I rush her to the car while the infected on the ground that has all their heads broken and their brains sprawled out is lying there without moving.