Kato's Pain of the Dead

Day 333: 11:00 A.M

(Kato's View)

I slowly open my eyes as the pain in my head gradually fades away. Although the feeling of the pain still lingers a little bit, I am now a little bit good to move again. I slowly move towards my wheelchair and grab a hold of it before putting my body on it with some difficulty.

Once I managed to get into my wheelchair, I slowly move the wheelchair's wheels to move and went to the window of the new base.

As always, everyone is busy, no one is resting like always but they don't have the grim outlook in life. I closed my eyes and silently cried before retreating to the edge of my bed.

With most of my limbs amputated, I can no longer fight, can't do any basic things, and can't even do basic jack sh*t everyone does without anyone helping.