The Deadly Truth Behind the Walls Part IV

Since their arrival, Misa and Shinobu's confusion keeps getting more and more problematic for them as they don't know what is going on anymore seeing things for the first time.

Chiaki was about to explain things to the two when Kota appeared while carrying boxes of ammunition to the supply rack.

"Oh, Chiaki. Good evening, where is Shoko?"

"Ah, Boss is still in the cafe and probably will close it down soon since there are barely any more customers dining."

"If you see her first, tell her that the first and second batch of ammunition supply has now been manufactured and is ready for distribution. The workers are also very enthusiastic to tell Shoko about the news."

"Okay, I will tell her about it. Anyways, I will be introducing these two. This one is my friend, Shinobu, and this other gal is Misa from the "Miracles" idol group. I brought them here to pick up some weapons to use, just put the charge on my tab," Chiaki said.