The Lost Dead Dream of Memories

That is not just a fabrication. That is indeed my parents. Although I don't remember them that much, due to the last dream I have and the photos in Haru's folder, there is no mistake that those two people in the camera are looking like my parents without a doubt.

"This footage is recorded yesterday in the Shinsaibashi area where some of Nanami's cameras were installed by you before and was regularly giving footage for us in case there are some things we can see there like a horde of undead or infestations in buildings. That way, we can easily destroy them before they get to be troublesome for us to handle," Haru explained. "However Kyosei, I didn't know your parents are still alive. According to Miyuki and Nanami, your parents are dead already. Are you sure you just mixed it up and they are still alive?"