Beginning of a Legend

Next morning.

Jaden was already up at 6 in the morning and was training his martial arts vigorously. He had tempered himself so much that he could be considered as a human weapon.

He finished his training after a few hours and then showered and changed before finally going back to his room.

He looked at his magnum watch and found out that there're only 20 minutes left before Infinity Online officially starts.

He then entered his capsule when there were only 3 minutes left. After entering, he suddenly heard the familiar system's voice.

[ Ding! As you have a magnum watch with you, would you like to integrate it to Infinity Online? ]

Jaded was surprised as he didn't know such things were possible.

Magnum watches were also created by Future Tech. With it, he could access his bank account, use it as his passport and id, he could also make a call with it or even surf the internet. And the best thing is that its almost impossible to lose and get stolen since the security within it is basically unparalleled and Future Tech is also able to track the watch's location, therefore, you can simply contact Future Tech if you lose it and you can get it back with ease.

"Yes, integrate it."

[ ... Ding! The user's magnum watch has now been linked to Infinity Online. Now you can access your contacts, bank account and even make calls and messages while in-game. ]

Jaded nodded his head. "Neat."

He then started messing around until the game officially went online.


After a few minutes, he then heard the system's voice.

[ Would you like to change your appearance in-game? Using the system, one can alter his/her appearance by up to 30%. Of course, it cannot be too far away from one's original appearance. ]

"Umm, no thank you, I'm fine." he said as he shook his head.

[ Ding! To remind the player, the time spent within the game differs from reality. Five minutes spent inside the game is only one minute in real life. ]

"Ohhhh!" exclaimed Jaden.

[ Ding! Infinity Online will now start in 10 seconds. ]

[ 10 ]

[ 9 ]

[ 8 ]

[ 7 ]

[ 6 ]

[ 5 ]

[ 4 ]

[ 3 ]

Jaden took a deep breath and prepared himself.

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

[ Infinity Online is now officially up and running. ]

[ Transporting the player now...10%...40%...90%...100%! Mr. Jaden Frost, welcome to the world of Infinity Online. I wish you the best on your adventures, warrior. ]

Suddenly everything in front of Jaden became blurry and spiral as if everything around him was being fused. And then, the scenery in front of his eyes changed.

[ Ding! Congratulations for being the first player to log in! You have won the God ranked skill {World Extinguisher} ]

If only that happened, it would be really cool, sigh.

(Note: xD)

When his vision was finally clear, he knew that he's currently in the Beginner Village. However, the village was pretty much desolate since there wasn't anyone here yet.

Following his appearance, he could then see countless white lights flashing around him everywhere. And then, one by one, those white lights transformed into players.

The players continuously appeared in great numbers without stopping. Obviously, everyone wanted to log-in early so they can get a head start from everyone else.

And in due time, the desolate village had now become a bustling one after the appearance of the players.

"The World Dominating Guild are now recruiting for players! Do you want equipment? money? women? Then don't hesitate and come join our guild!"

"The Nightcrawler Guild are now recruiting rouge players only! Do you want to join an assassin type guild? Then come and apply right now!"

"Recruiting 3 more people for my party! No noobs allowed!"

"+2 more players! This party is a leveling party only!"

"Oi! Stop pushing me!"

"It wasn't me! Hey, stop shoving people!"

A bunch of random noises mixed together could be heard by Jaden. He smiled and took a deep breath.

'I missed this kind of atmosphere. It's different than the one at home' he sighed in his thoughts.

He rarely went out of the villa and because of that he basically had no friends at all when growing up. Therefore, this bustling scene in front of him brought him joy.

As more and more people started logging in, everyone went to find quests and tried to level up as soon as possible.

Jaden checked his inventory and found that the rest of the items that he won were kept there. Other than the things he won he also saw a few pieces of equipment meant for beginners.


[ Beginner's Sword (Common) ]

Type: One-Handed Sword

Attributes: Attack + 5


[ Beginner's ClothArmor (Common) ]

Type: Upper Armor (Light)

Attributes: Defense + 3


[ Beginner's Leather Pants (Common) ]

Type: Lower Armor (Light)

Attributes: Defense + 2


[ Beginner's Shoes (Common) ]

Type: Shoes (Light)

Attributes: Defense + 2


While Jaden was checking the equipment that he received, the rest of the players were either already rushing to start their quests or were already killing some small mobs to level up as fast as possible.

However, Jaden didn't immediately started killing mobs or find quests so he can level up but instead, he went to the Training Ground and equipped the items that he got such as the {Sword of the Unrivaled}, {Elite Hunter's Badge}, {Space Ring}, and the {Goddess of Luck's Blessing}.

After that, he also learned the skills {Paragon's Rage}, {Windwalk}, and {Taming}.

'Hmm, let's look at my status page first. Open Status!' he said in his thought.

It was very neat how the game allowed players to access their status page just by thinking of it.


Status Page

Name: Unparalleled

Class: Warrior ( Tier 0 )

Level: 0

Exp: 0 / 100

Faction: N/A

HP: 320

MP: 140

AP (Attribute Points): 0


STR = 60

AGI = 75

CON = 45

INT = 55

WIS = 60

PER = 50


LUC = 50 ( 10 + 20 + 20 )

CHA = 105

WIL = 45


(Note: Usually players starts with 100 hp and mana, however, Jaden's stats is simply monstrous and way, way higher than normal players.)

(Note: This is his stats when he equipped the OP items that he received.)

"My attributes are really insane! The +20 to all stats from the {Sword of the Unrivaled} is really amazing! And that's only in its Bronze rank!" said Jaden with astonishment. He wondered what kind of stats it would give when it gets an upgrade into Silver rank or even Gold rank.

'Skill Page.' He said in his thought.


Skill Page

SP (Skill Points) : 0 ( 1 skill point = 100 proficiency )

Active Skills:

[ Windwalk (Rare) ] =Current Level: Lvl 1 / 5. Proficiency: 0 / 100

Increases agility by 20% for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 3 mins. Mana cost: 10.

[ Paragon's Rage (Legendary) ] = Increases Physical Damage, Attack Speed, Movement Speed and Defense by 300% for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 2 hours. Cannot be leveled up. Mana cost: 0.

[ Taming (Special) ] = Tames a monster with a 40% chance of success. Beasts Tamed = 0 / 4.

Can only be used three times on every target. Chance of success decreases by 10% after every use. Cannot be used on monsters 50 levels higher than the user. Cannot be used on bosses. Cannot be leveled up. Mana cost: 0.

[ Power Strike (Common) ] = Current Level: Lvl 1 / 5. Proficiency: 0 / 100

A skill of the warrior class. Strikes the target heavily dealing 120% Physical Damage. Cooldown: 5 seconds. Mana: 5

[ Charging Strike (Common) ] = Current Level: Lvl 1 / 5. Proficiency 0 / 100

A skill of the warrior class. Dashes forward by 5 meters and strikes the target dealing 110% Physical Damage. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Mana: 10

[ Decisive Blow (Common) ] = Current Level: Lvl 1 / 5. Proficiency 0 / 100

A skill of the warrior class. Deals 100% Physical Damage and stuns the target for 2 seconds. Cooldown: 7 seconds. Mana: 5


"The system said that by using a skill repeatedly, one can earn proficiency points to level up a skill. I guess not all skill could be leveled up..." He said as he looked at {Paragon's Rage}.

'Well it would be broken if Paragon's Rage could be leveled up further...' he thought.

"I guess I should get used to this body first." He muttered as he looked around himself.

There were many training dummies in the Traning Ground waiting to be used yet there was nobody in this place except him.

"Well haste makes waste, I should remove the rest of the items except the beginner ones for now I guess." After saying that, he removed everything except the beginner items.

He then picked up a wooden sword given from the weapon rack and started slashing and hacking the training dummies, endlessly.

After 2 hours.

[ Ding! Due to your intense training, Strength has risen by 5 points. (+5 STR), Constitution has risen by 5 points (+5 CON) and Agility has risen by 2 points (+2 AGI). ]

"What?! So it's actually possible to increase your attributes by training? I feel bad for those people outside, wasting their chance to increase their stats." said Jaden with a fake sigh.

"Then I should really take advantage of this." He sneered.

Indeed it is possible to increase one's main attributes by training in-game however, Jaden didn't know that his "training" could be described as torture for others.