A Smooth Harvest

"Spread out, men. Be on all sides before anyone makes a move. And no one should go near the lilies. We need that merchandise…"

Lakd quietly gave his orders. His remaining men spread themselves thin as they dispersed into formation. Soon, only Gamun and the other remaining group leader were in sight. Those three were preparing to come up the middle and take on the herculean young man in a 3-v-1. 

"On my order, those on the valley edges jump in…" With the sun out, Lakd brandished a small mirror. He intricately teetered it from side to side in order to signal his men. But there was no response.

"What's going on?" Lakd whispered, trying again. When those on the valley's east side failed to respond, Lakd tried to contact those on the west to no avail. "What… Gamun, what's wrong with your men? They know how to use a mirror, right? Gamun… Gamun, where are you?"