Oli's Stunning Truth

"You can prove it… now?"

Oli nodded. "Are the doors locked?"

"Jonon, lock the doors," Hurman ordered without hesitation.

Following his father's demand, Jonon was anxious to see why Oli and Hurman had been so secretive, as was Keldon. He reached to the top of the doors and slid a hammer up into the wall, bracing the doors into the frame.

Upon hearing the click of the lock, Oli telepathically asked, 'If it's not too much to ask, would you mind showing yourself?'

Suddenly, to the shock of the three men around Oli, the young man's shadow came to life. It extended longer and wider while dark essence began to leak from the stretched silhouette. Then, all three men were left trembling and shocked speechless. A massive, two-krin tall leopard climbed out of that shadow, showing his blood-red eyes to everyone in the room.

"My name is Vloz, and I'm a representative of the Iron Territory, same as Oli."