Offering a Better Loan

"You can't take out another loan, can you?" 

"Why would I ever consider that?! There's no way that we could afford two payments!" Hurman shouted. "That would only sink us faster."

But Oli squinted at Keldon and asked, "Are you thinking of consolidating the loan?"

"It's not technically consolidation given it's only for a single loan, but getting a new loan with better interest would be ideal," reasoned Keldon, agreeing with Oli's thoughts. "That would help make things more stable. However… I'm not sure who would be willing to lend you ten thousand gold considering your family's circumstances."

"That's… true. A good idea but I doubt we can execute on it."

'Oli, how much gold did that dragon leave you?'

Hearing Vloz's question, Oli immediately began to understand what Vloz was thinking. 'I'll admit that I have enough to cover the loan…'

'Then can you get Shadur out of the room?' Vloz asked.