Final Match, Oli vs Burt

"Ladies… And gentlemen… IT'S TIME!"

The audience's anticipation exploded into a furor of cheers. Everyone looked down on the stage with eagerness abound.

Taking in one last dragged-out breath, Oli opened his eyes and scanned over his body. The medics still standing around him showed shocked expressions as Oli flexed and stretched his torso without hesitation. They were blown away to see the youth. He showed no signs of pain despite the wounds and stitches, but they also saw no signs of the wounds daring to reopen. No matter which way Oli flexed or twisted his torso, the lacerations on his chest and shoulder seemed to be fully sealed without a chance of slowing him down.

There was one other person watching Oli with bated breath. From across the way, Burt's expression shifted from nervousness to excitement. Seeing Oli moving so confidently was a good sign for Burt and his motives.