One Trump Card After Another

"Oh really? Then prove it," cackled Burt.

But Oli retorted, "No, you first."

"What's this? Our finalists are chatting with each other while going blow for blow?" Dramatizing the match, the ref kept a close ear on their conversation.

"Then how about this? If I can guess your trump card, then you have to use it?" 

Laughing at Burt's logic and not wanting to waste his essence in a dragged-out fight, Oli replied, "Then if you show yours, I promise not to forfeit."

"But how can you guarantee that?" laughed Burt. "Unless… You're about to ascend and were waiting for the finals to do so?"

"WHAT?! Has Oliver been holding back this entire time?!" the announcer shouted, getting the entire audience on the edge of their seats.

Laughing louder, Oli shrugged. "So what? That means nothing when you're likely doing the same, using the tournament to stimulate your essence and force a breakthrough."

"Then how about we both take things up a notch?"