Iron and Trighton Territories

The person most fixated on Hurman was Liz. For her, this was the craziest rollercoaster of emotions that she could have never imagined. On the surface, she seemed to be handling the situation with professionalism. But that was only the surface.

Deep emotions blended with confusion underneath her soft yet penetrating stare. It was one thing to joke about hooking up and be half-serious. It was another thing for the person she was interested in to be pressured into a relationship. That wasn't what Liz wanted for her or Hurman. And her gaze said everything.

"You don't have to--"

"You'll be offered our last guest courtyard up until our relocation to Iron Territory. Then we can discuss whether you'd like to stay with us or claim your own property in Iron Territory," Hurman claimed with a tender yet professional smile. "That much I can offer you, Liz."