Welcoming Party

Far, far away from both the Trighton Territory and Bore City, a celebration was taking place across an entire city. Humans and beasts alike were gathered in the streets and the city squares. Exotic and home-grown wines tickled their taste buds as the festivities continued into the night. 

After an entire day of either celebrating, some sought a change of pace while the party animals continued. One group of people was found hanging out in a backstreet in an attempt to find a calmer atmosphere. But there still was none.

"Trying to relax?"

Turning around, the new citizens bowed politely to the female gorilla. Hurman smiled and replied, "Yeah…"

"Follow us. We'll show you the perfect place." Ania smiled back and motioned for them to follow her. At the same time, Vloz walked out from behind the dark side of a building. "You'll get used to him, so don't mind it."

"Okay…" Lizbeth nodded, following behind Hurman.