Almost Late


"... wake up…" 

"Yo, boy, WAKE UP!!!" 

Trembling to the frequency of the booming voice, Oli was stirred awake. He rushed to his feet and blinked, startled to see King Zelsh standing in the doorway.

While two servants exited the room, Zelsh stepped inside to let them through. "What's wrong with you? You cultivate while you sleep?"

"Sometimes…" Oli nodded, having been caught in the act.

"That's great for you, but don't make us late!" shouted Zelsh, swinging his arm emphatically for Oli to follow him. "We've got no time because you missed your wake-up call. Now hurry up!"

Oli complied. He left his room with the king and was led to the nearby formation. There, Oli was surprised to see another familiar figure, that of the enormous Rot Wyrm. Beside the wyrm were two others, a human man looking to be in his late twenties and a large tiger with icy blue fur.