The Most Awkward Meal of Oli's Life

"And what's wrong with that?!" Korvik shouted, already showing off his buzz.

Oli couldn't help but chuckle and take another sip. He still struggled to feel like a part of this close-knit group but having their help now was more than relieving, it was entertaining. 

Servers began to enter the banquet hall by the dozen. They carried giant trays with large platters all around. The high table was served first, of course, but the vast amount of servants had the many tables served in no time flat.

No one waited any longer. Each platter was instantly attacked and ravaged by the nearest cultivator. 



Oohs and awes reverberated throughout the grandiose room as everyone sank their teeth or beaks into their first bites. Again, Oli couldn't help but be left astounded by the flavors dancing over his tongue. There were dishes Oli couldn't recognize at all, as well as many Oli could make out off the top of his head.