More and More Drinking


"Good. Then consider yourselves knowledgeable about Devil's Canyon." Zelsh enjoyed chugging another round of wine, satisfied with his explanation.

Kraz asked, "But… That's not a lot of information."

"Compared to how many people don't even know it exists, you're all scholars on the subject!" Bradok laughed as he filled up his tankard to enjoy a round with Zelsh. 

"I may ask for more information later…" Jeminine stated with a sigh, getting a slow nod from Zelsh. "Either way, thank you for telling me about such a place. And thank you for not telling Korvik about it."

"Any time. Now… We need to celebrate my son finally getting himself a woman!" Zelsh cheered, pouring more wine into Donovan's glass. "Congrats!"

Bradok lifted his cup, adding, "To the long night ahead of them!"
