Oli's New "Home"

"I've never heard of--"

"Which is why I'm stuck with you, because I do know about authentic nature," Zelsh shouted, forcing Oli's compliance as they continued to descend deeper and deeper underground. "Few care about authentic nature, and that's perfectly fine. But in your case, it's the only solution to finish in time, and the most logical.

"By honing and growing the authentic, unperverted nature that your powerful essence has, you'll need to discover what it is without altering it by accident. And most importantly, you'll need to learn how that third essence interacts with your earth and dark essences, or more specifically, how it reacts to their natures. I'm praying to Dominus that they're compatible, or we're screwed."

Off put by the final comment, Oli asked, "What do you mean, 'we're screwed?'"