More Questions, Occasional Answers

"That's not just any void ring," Zelsh stated. "That's the ring Treeda sought out for Trada's egg.

"Void rings may seem somewhat common, but there are very few people capable of making them. Most all void rings are relics from the reign of Dominus, when void rings were created without end. And your ring is especially rare with the ability for living creatures to dwell inside it, on top of not having the usual appearance."

"... Did he tell you that?" Oli asked. 

"No. I saw that ring before it was given to Trada as part of her agreement. It was bought here in Bore City," mentioned Zelsh. "With our famous cuisine, how can we not be a thriving trade city among independent cultivators and merchants? But he was the one that verified it for me. I would've only noticed upon inspecting it."

"So… you know about--"