Life in the Chasm

Clenching his fist with great concentration, Oli squinted as he stared at an earthen bucket in his other hand. It wasn't as hardened as Zelsh's, nor was it perfectly circular either. The bucket was crudely formed but it functioned alright and that's what mattered most. 

Now, Oli was focused on the muddy water within the bucket. He was finally moving the earthen sludge within the water, albeit ever so slowly. But it was progress nonetheless. Oli could only accept his inabilities and try to do better. After almost an hour, Oli happily pulled the majority of the mud from the bucket of water, having it dry out the moment its source of moisture was gone.

It was the most refreshing drink Oli had ever experienced. Never had downing gulp after gulp of water been so satisfactory and mentally rejuvenating. 

However, Oli was already semi-accustomed to the routine.