Ania's Lost Temper

Before Puula could reach Vloz, the leopard retreated into the silenced dome. She sped up and did the same in hopes that everything was alright. But she was confused by what she found inside.

"Ania, that's enough," Vloz mentioned, stepping between Ania's war hammer and Rathe's slumbering body. "Can't you see that he's still injured?"

"Yet he's sleeping like a baby? If he can sleep so easily, then he can take some time to explain how stupid he is!" shouted Ania, gripping the hammer tighter while backing off slightly.

Slowing her initial thoughts, Puula coughed lightly to get their attention. "Excuse me, but what happened here?"

"Nothing, apparently. I was worried my idiot brother was going to kill himself for honor's sake, but he's too busy taking a nap!" Ania's shouts got louder still. She tried her best to awaken the slumbering gorilla but to no avail.

Sighing, Vloz spoke up again, "I'm not sure why, but--"