Attending the Noble Guests

"Lord Draco, Master Slazza, this is the Iron-body Gorilla Clan, those in charge of Iron Territory."

Unblinking, both Isaac and Slazza scanned over the people at the gate. Their focus was on three large gorillas, particularly the broadest and eldest one in the middle of the group.

"I'm Bradok, territory leader here. Please, tell me who it is that honors me and my territory with their presence." Bowing respectably, Bradok showed the traits of a well-trained gentleman. And though Rhyner was a little surprised to see the new gorilla, he played along perfectly with some telepathic aid from Vloz at the side.

Smirking, Slazza stepped forward. "I am Slazza. You will address me as Master Slazza, and I have come here on assignment from West Quadrant. As proof, I come with your prefecture lord, Lord Isaac Draco, and your regional king, King Rhyner Trighton."