Brak's Punishment

"SHUT UP!!" Ania continued to shout, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" 

Abruptly, scathing earth essence erupted out of Ania. Despite being only a perennial, Brak flinched seeing her explosive aura and her death-bringing glare.

Treeda glanced at Inka, getting a nod from the stand-in lord. "Ania… please hit him, for the both of us."

"I'm permitted?! Without consequence?" Ania roared, unable to contain herself.

"It's better this way. I'm not allowed to kill him at the moment, and I would fail to control myself if I were to punish him," stated Treeda, offering Ania a motherly grin. "For both of us, please punish him with all your strength."

"I only need to keep him alive?"

Everyone around was startled to hear Ania say that. Inka laughed and Treeda nodded, retracting her pressuring energy. Brak quietly scoffed, thinking to himself, You, kill me? Pathetic…