Please Tell Me What Happened


"Silence!" Inka shouted, readying her fist. "One more word, and I'll personally take a crack at you."

"Finally, the lizard gets the timeout he deserves," Vloz scoffed, getting everyone roaring with laughter. "Sadly, I can't play with you anymore. But, maybe one of these nights, I can pay you a visit and spend some more time with you. How does that sound? Would the lizard like that?"

"Sh–" Brak slammed his mouth shut. He roared with his mouth shut, creating a strange growling noise for everyone to hear and laugh at.

Letting Vloz support Ania, Treeda approached the downed dragon with a satisfied smile. "Two broken femurs… A snapped pelvic bone… And I'm glad to know that the rumors about assassins are true, though I've never actually met an assassin who's tried it. Vloz, I can see how you almost killed my subordinates."

"That was an old job, one I failed and never got paid for," Vloz joked. "Feel free to forget about that."