Back in Iron Town

Back in Iron Town, most people had gone to bed. But there were still a few people lingering in the banquet hall of the hotel. Ania sat together with Vloz. Zelsh was drinking with Jeminine, Rhyner, and one other king from Toxic-shadow. Treeda was at the center of it all, silently sipping wine while the others chatted to pass the time. 

"What do you think? Wouldn't they make a great couple?" Zelsh chuckled.

"They only know each other from sparring. They've never actually spent time together," argued the other king.

Shaking his head, Zelsh insisted, "Jeerda. My son and your daughter have met plenty of times. And they've always had a favorable relationship. Why not eg them forward and see what happens? What's so wrong with that? We're both wyrms!"

"Be that as it may, I have no interest in such matters before the Mortal Championship," replied Jeerda.

"Ahh… Fine. Then we'll pick this up later."