Stick to the Plan

"I have my reasons for keeping this egg with Oli, apart from my promise to Trada. And you'll see those reasons play out with time after your granddaughter hatches," continued Eeole. "So, for now, be satisfied that you'll be the proud grandparents of an incalculably rare mutant dragon. One with the defenses of the Razor-hide Clan and the death essence of the Toxic-shadow Clan."

Neither Treeda nor Warak knew how to take that information. They were mentally bombarded with possible reactions and the unexpected fulfillment of their greatest expectations.

Bradok spoke up, "And this kid will be with Oli? How's that gonna work?"

"You'll see. I already know that Oli is eager to see the egg hatch. That's why I'm helping incubate the egg while he's going through his current trial."

"Then let us incubate–"