[Bonus chapter] End of the Auction

"Oh, definitely! He's the only person in the territory's history to not only reach the Quadrant Finals but also ascend to the second round of the Quadrant Finals," Fulkar answered with eyes filled with admiration. "Trenk and I are some of Hurman's only pupils outside of the Practor Family since most people couldn't afford his private lessons."

Nodding slowly, Oli asked, "Then why didn't he just sell more lessons to get his family out of debt?"

Shrugging slightly, Fulkar reasoned, "Probably because he didn't want to stunt his reputation, because it was only his reputation that allowed them to cling to their status."

Oli took a second to think that over while the auction continued. But Fulkar suddenly asked, "Oliver… Is there a way for me to ask you to bid?"

"Why?" Oli quickly asked, making sure to not take long while the bidding was underway.